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At least 18 killed in blast at illegal oil refinery in Nigeria: …

At least 18 people, including a pregnant woman, have died in southern Nigeria when an illegal oil refinery exploded into flames, a security official and residents said.

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Beaming the Light on a Hidden Sector: Artisanal and Small-scale Mining

Despite the enormous potential of the mining sector to accelerate Nigeria's economic prosperity and sustainable development, several factors have continued to impede the sector's capacity to perform optimally. Before the discovery of oil in commercial quantities in the late 1950s, the mining sector was the pillar of the Nigerian economy and ...

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Steel Rising: Harnessing Nigeria's Potential for Global …

The foundation for steel production in Nigeria was laid in the late 20th century, marked by the establishment of the Ajaokuta Steel Mill in 1979 [Uwakonye et al., 2020]. Envisioned as a catalyst for Nigeria's industrialization, the mill was expected to position Nigeria prominently on the global steel stage [Adeolu, 2017] [Oyelaran-Oyeyinka ...

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In 1979, Nigeria had initiated construction of the iron and steel projects which by 1985 were over 90% complete, including the National Iron ore Mining Company at Itakpe, two liquid steel ...

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Microbiome of highly polluted coal mine drainage from Onyeama, Nigeria

The drains from Onyeama coal mine in Nigeria contained characteristic sulphates (313.0 ± 15.9 mg l −1), carbonate (253.0 ± 22.4 mg l −1), and nitrate ... Nganje TN, et al. Influence of mine drainage on water quality along River Nyaba in Enugu South-Eastern Nigeria. Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.

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(PDF) Overview of Nigeria's Mineral Resources in the

The 2020 Mining Contribution Index (MCI) which indicates the significance of the mining sector's contribution to national economies indicates that Nigeria has the lowest among West African countries.

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(PDF) Proposed Mining and Processing Methods for

The Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) sector in Nigeria is in a deplorable state characterised by the use of inadequate mining and processing methods and manual tools by the local ...

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The aggregate production of mineral products in Nigeria in 2021 grew by 39.19% from 64.29 million tons recorded in 2020 to 89.48 million tons in 2021, indicating an improve …

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List of Some Nigerian Iron Deposits and Locations

[17]. It was reported that iron ore is one of the most common metallic minerals in Nigeria and is found in various locations in the north-western, north-central, south-western, and south-eastern ...

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Horrors on the Plateau: Inside Nigeria's farmer-herder conflict

Plateau, Nigeria – Mary Hommes wiped her face with a red scarf as she recalled the August day when attackers ambushed her village in central Nigeria's Plateau state. Keep reading list of 4 ...

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Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Soil from the …

Aluko, T.S. et al. 528 designated by United States Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (2007). Regarded as a human mutagen and

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Assessment of heavy metals contamination of soil and …

heavy metals intillage of mining areas across the world (Tsafe et al., 2012). In most mining areas of Nigeria where illegal mining is commonly practiced, the interaction of solid minerals and the water sources is inevitable. In essence, water bodies such as rivers and lakes are used in floatation, a stage in

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Nigeria's Climate Change Act 2021: A pathway to net-zero

The global push for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 requires countries to adopt sustainable energy sources, address energy poverty and promote energy security. Nigeria is grappling with an energy crisis, and the recently enacted Climate Change Act 2021 offers the prospect of addressing this while advancing energy sustainability. The …

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The artisanal and small-scale mining sector provides an essential livelihood to thousands of people across Nigeria. ASM activity is widespread across the country to varying extents. ... (AMDC 2017; Oramah et al. 2015) to 500,000 people (Azubike 2009; Government of Nigeria 2009; Pulse 2019). An oft-cited statement by the then Minister of State ...

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Physicochemical and molecular characterization of heavy …

Other studies by Emmanuel et al. reported a lower bacterial count (12.3 × 10 3 cfu/g) in the soil of mining sites in Nigeria. The heavy metal–tolerant isolates recovered were Gram negative, which studies [42, 43] showed to be more tolerant to heavy metals than Gram positive. This attribute could be due to the interaction between the ...

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Landscapes and Landforms of the Jos Plateau | SpringerLink

The landforms of the Jos Plateau are grouped into three categories in terms of their physiography. These three physiographic units include hills and mountains, dissected terrain and undulating terrain (Rackham 1973/4, after Bennett et al. 1978) and can be briefly characterised as follows: Hills and mountains comprise all sort of hills, …

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What can be done to fight rural banditry in northern Nigeria

Illicit artisanal mining and the proliferation of arms in the region are also veritable factors. Geography plays a role, too. Northwestern Nigeria's forestlands are vast, rugged and hazardous ...

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Nigeria: Protesters 'shot dead' by security forces in Lagos

Nigeria's security forces have reportedly shot dead demonstrators protesting against police brutality in Lagos, according to several witnesses, as authorities imposed a curfew and promised an ...

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Geology of Nigeria | SpringerLink

Geology, which is the study of rocks, minerals and the physical make-up of the solid earth, determines the environment and natural resources and in essence the industrial potential and wealth of a nation (Petters 2004).Geomorphology is the study of the physical features of the Earth's crust as related to the geological features and …

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The aggregate production of mineral products in Nigeria in 2021 grew by 39.19% from 64.29 million tons recorded in 2020 to 89.48 million tons in 2021, indicating an improve- ... We acknowledge the contributions of our strategic partner the Ministry of Mines and Steel Development (MMSD).

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Extremists kill 37 villagers in latest attack in Nigeria's hard …

Extremists in northeastern Nigeria killed at least 37 villagers in two different attacks, residents said Wednesday, highlighting once again how deadly islamic extremist rebels have remained in their 14-year insurgency in the hard-hit region. ... shooting dead 17 people at first while using a land mine to kill 20 others who had gone to attend ...

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(PDF) Impact of Coal Mining on the Environment in Mainganga Community

(Babagana Guti, et-al., 2012). Generally mining of solid minerals in Nigeria accounts for only 0.3% of its GDP, due to the influence of its vast oil resources, as most domestic mining industries are underdeveloped, leading to Nigeria having to import minerals. Nigeria still holds large coal reserves, estimated to be at least 2 billion metric tons.

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Energy and sustainable development in Nigeria: the way …

Access to clean modern energy services is an enormous challenge facing the African continent because energy is fundamental for socioeconomic development and poverty eradication. Today, 60% to 70% of the Nigerian population does not have access to electricity. There is no doubt that the present power crisis afflicting Nigeria will persist …

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Jos Plateau, Nigeria | Nigeria, Map, & History | Britannica

Jos Plateau, tableland in Plateau State, central Nigeria, distinguished by its high bounding scarp and by bare grassland and embracing Africa's chief tin-mining region.Its central area covers about 3,000 square miles (8,000 square km) and has an average elevation of 4,200 feet (1,280 meters); the surrounding high plains often exceed 3,200 feet.

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Environmental Issues and the Prospects of Mining in …

mining is the form where material is excavated from an open pit; it is one of the most common forms of mining for strategic minerals that are available in small deposits …

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138 Minerals Nigeria Stock Photos & High-Res Pictures

View minerals nigeria videos. Browse 138 authentic minerals nigeria stock photos, high-res images, and pictures, or explore additional gold africa or natural resources africa …

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Mapping and assessing environmental hazards of abandoned mines …

Uganda Kilembe mine area Copper LSM Near the Kilembe mine, high concentration of Fe, Al, Co, Pb, Mn, Ni and sulphates were left behind; catchment soils exceed WHO allowable levels for agricultural soils; food grow in the area may be unsafe for consumption. ... 10, 11, 13; Jorden de Haan, Pg. 1, 14; and Adobe licenced stock images Pg. 9, 15, 17 ...

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Arrests and attacks: African countries pursue China's illegal mining …

In addition to mining issues in Nigeria and Namibia, the Democratic Republic of Congo has banned six Chinese businesses operating in South Kivu for illegally extracting gold and other minerals. Before this, according to the ET, 33 Chinese nationals were detained in Ghana in 2019 for engaging in illegal gold mining activities.

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Mining in Nigeria: Challenges, opportunities, and prospects

Mining in Nigeria has immense potential to contribute to economic growth and diversification. However, it faces significant challenges that require concerted efforts …

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(PDF) Automatic mapping of lineaments and analysis for …

Automatic mapping of lineaments and analysis for groundwater targeting using shaded relief images derived from a digital elevation model (DEM) in the Akure North Area of Ondo State, Southwest Nigeria

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Drivers and effects of construction-sand mining in Sub …

Top images: in-stream river mining with piles of material deposited on the riverbanks. Bottom images: Mining in a terrestrial sand pit with a truck transporting material from the mining site. ... Riverbank collapse is observed in rivers in North Central Nigeria (Ako et al., 2014), along several rivers in South Africa, including the Limpopo ...

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How illegal mining is driving local conflicts in Nigeria

Artisanal mining sites in Nigeria (click on the map for the full size image) The conflict has been on the increase since 2014, spreading across Kaduna, Katsina, Kebbi, Plateau and Zamfara states. Over 5 000 people have been killed in Zamfara State in the past five years. In February 2020, soldiers killed 13 bandits during clashes in …

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(PDF) Assessing the Ecological Effects of Mining in West

6 E. C. Merem et al.: Assessing the Ecological Effects of Mining in W est Africa: The Case of Nigeria substantial declines ( - 80 to - 20%) in the other years, tin mining sector raked in unint ...

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