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There's a lot that goes on under the Arizona ground. In fact, the BLM administers approximately 17.5 million subsurface acres, and supervises over 22 million acres of Indian trust solid mineral estate. Additionally, the BLM administers both mining claim records and mineral leases on land managed by other federal agencies.

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Map of Mining Claims In Arizona | The Diggings™

Map of 10,000 mining claims filtered by commodity, decade, disposition, and type in Arizona. ... Gila, AZ County, Arizona Location. 206 Acres. Active Case Disposition 'BUCK MT MINES #9' | 207 acre Tunnel Site in Gila, Ariz. | John Buchanan | located in 2008 | AMC394635 ... 'GOLD GULCH' | 160 acre Placer Claim in Yavapai, Ariz. | Arizona ...

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Arizona's Mining Attractions | Visit Arizona

Gold King Mine and Ghost Town. 1000 Perkinsville Rd. Jerome, Arizona 86331 Details Maps. History. ... 4650 N Mammoth Mine Rd. Goldfield, Arizona 85119 Details Maps. Galleries & Museums. Museum of Northern Arizona. The Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) is a private, nonprofit, educational institution founded in 1928 by a group of …

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Welcome to Abandoned Mines AZ. A website dedicated to exploring Arizona's abandoned mines and their history. Throughout the wilderness of Arizona lie mineshafts, tunnels, ruined, and rusted structures. These remains of exciting and interesting mining past are forgotten to many but not all. If you are someone who loves to explore, …

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National Mine Map Repository | Office of Surface Mining …

The National Mine Map Repository (NMMR) collects and maintains mine map information for the entire country. The NMMR acquires maps through public outreach with state and federal environmental agencies as well as mining companies, engineering and consulting firms, surveying companies, universities, and private citizens.

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12 Abandoned Ghost Towns in Arizona You Can Explore

Photo by Graeme Maclean on Flickr. What was once a bustling gold mining town is now home to more burros than people. Situated along the old Route 66, Oatman is a living ghost town with several residents still living on the site and running shops and restaurants that cater to over 500,000 visitors yearly. It's one of the remaining Western …

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Abandoned mines host Arizona wildlife | Phoenix & The …

Abandoned mine shafts scar the hillsides of the 38-acre Phoenix Mine site north of Cave Creek, lending a glimpse of the area's mining past. To preserve that history, a visitors center, parking ...

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Gold Prospecting in Arizona: 7 Best Locations & Laws

Gold mining in Arizona is a dream for many, but it's a skill that requires time, practice, and luck. It's similar to the Wild West, where persistence and determination are just as important as a trusty gold pan. The best gold prospecting locations in Arizona are: Lynx Creek; Gila Mountain; Wickenburg; Gold Basin; Greenville; Bisbee; Quartzsite

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Abandoned Mines | Arizona State Mine Inspector

Learn about the history, dangers and prevention of abandoned mines in Arizona. Find news, education and resources from the Arizona State Mine Inspector and other partners.

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Gold King Mansion – Mohave County, Arizona

The mine continued to operate through the war and produced gold, silver, lead, and zinc in small quantities. The mine was in use until 1947 but due to economic changes post-war and the death of P ...

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Visiting This Small Gold Mining Town in Arizona Will …

There are literally thousands of abandoned mines and surrounding communities throughout Arizona. You've probably already heard of Jerome and Bisbee when the subject of ghost towns in Arizona come to light. ... Visiting This Small Gold Mining Town in Arizona Will Literally Transport You Back to the Wild West. …

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Mining Ruins

North West Arizona . black pearl mine; cerbat mining ruins; gold bar mine; golden belt mill; gold road mine; humboldt smelter; jerome; max delta mine; monte christo mine; oatman; old congress mine; old unida mine; Vulture Mine; North East Arizona . copper hill mill; van dyke mine; South West Arizona . hart mine processing plant; harquahala mine ...

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Fortuna Mine Trail — AZOFFROAD.NET

Visit the historic and abandoned Fortuna gold mine in the Gila Mountains just a few miles outside of Yuma. Explore the numerous mining remnants and consider extending your trip by taking El Camino del Diablo/Devil's Highway all the way to Ajo.

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OLD YUMA MINE. Old Yuma Mine was the most successful mine in the Tucson Mountains. The original claim dates back to 1872, and it was the last mine in the area to close in …

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Visiting This Small Gold Mining Town in Arizona …

There are literally thousands of abandoned mines and surrounding communities throughout Arizona. You've probably already heard of Jerome and Bisbee when the subject of ghost towns in …

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Map and Download GPS Waypoints for 1439 Mines in Arizona …

Boston Arizona Mine; Derby Mine; Gold Star Mine; Additional Mines in Nearby Towns: Yavapai-Prtt Reservation, Prtt Valley, Dewey-Humboldt, Chino Valley, Jerome; ... Follow these Instructions to Download all 1439 Arizona Mines to your GPS. Download a GPX file containing all of the mines in Arizona. Save the GPX file on …

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Gold Maps Online | Gold Claims

Our Gold Maps Reveal Over 438K Active Gold Claims And Over 3 Million Abandoned Gold Claims Throughout The Western Half Of America. ... The above image is a map of active gold mining claims (yellow clusters) rarely seen by anyone outside of a large gold mining company. ... ™ lets you see where the active gold claims are located then …

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About Abandoned Mines AZ

About I've dedicated Abandoned Mines AZ to exploring Arizona's overlooked but vibrant and exciting mining past. I am an avid hiker and off-roader with a unique interest in exploring Arizona's abandoned mines and mining ghost towns. As an Arizona mining historian and public historian, I've researched, written, and presented Arizona's mining …

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southwestern Arizona: Placer and vein deposits (gold, silver, manganese) northern Arizona: Breccia pipes and stratabound deposits (uranium, vanadium, manganese, copper) The …

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Mines by Location

Mines by Location. I am an avid hiker and offroader with a unique interest in exploring Arizona's abandoned mines and mining ghost towns.

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Located in the rich Castle Dome Mining District, this remote mine produced over 2300 tons of ore. The Big Eye Mine is an abandoned gold mine deep within the southwestern …

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Arizona Mines For Sale

This operating Gold mine is in the heart of Arizona's gold producing region immediately downstream from an historic Rich Hill site remembered for an abundance of enormous alluvial nuggets found on and near the surface. Commodities: Gold, Silver. Location: Arizona, USA. PGMs, Au, REE & Fe Mine, NM. 280 Ac, Plus 5M Tons Mined Head Ore …

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Arizona's abandoned mine problem

He had fallen 100 feet to the bottom of an abandoned gold mine in western Maricopa County, leaving him with a broken leg and rope-burned hands. ... Arizona's abandoned mine program has a budget of …

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Gold Mines in Arizona Where You Can Still Prospect

If you really want to explore gold mines in Arizona, you might consider joining a local club. This way, you'll have access to private claims. 7 Gold Mines In Arizona Where You Might Find Gold. There are seven gold mines in Arizona where you'll have the best luck prospecting. These areas are home to current or past mining projects. 1.

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Most People Have No Idea This Abandoned Mining Town In Arizona …

There are plenty of long-forgotten ghost towns in Arizona, but few are as old and dusty as Klondyke. Not to be confused with the popular ice cream bar, this historic mining settlement is home to fewer than 50 people today - a far cry from its peak population of around 500.

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WQD | Surface Water | Remediation Sites | ADEQ

Arizona has a rich history of metal mining and smelting. Starting in the mid-1800s, eager prospectors and frontier explorers mined for copper, gold, silver, molybdenum and lead throughout Arizona. The establishment of these mines predate modern mining practices and environmental regulations protective of human health and the environment.

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Fortuna Mine — AZOFFROAD.NET

Fortuna Mine is a ghost town and abandoned gold mine in the Gila Mountains near Yuma, Arizona. The mine is one of the stops near the end of the historic El Camino del Diablo. Because the site currently is on land under the authority of the Barry Goldwater Air Force Range, free permits are needed to visit the ruins. ...

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11 of the Richest Gold Mining Locations in Arizona

Although mining has stopped at the mine itself, there is still a lot of gold found in the desert surrounding the mine. Today the mine and the surrounding ghost town is privately owned, but the owner operates …

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Mines by Location

Mines by Location. About Me . I am an avid hiker and offroader with a unique interest in exploring Arizona's abandoned mines and mining ghost towns. As an Arizona mining historian... Read More. Twitter; Stay in Touch. Follow my social media to keep up with my latest posts. Instagram;

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Arizona: Top 20 Locations Where There Is Gold! (Gold …

So, let's have a look at some of the best gold mining locations in Arizona. Most of these areas lack rivers or creeks, at least in the vicinity of the gold-bearing grounds. Therefore they are mostly recommended for metal detecting or dry panning. If you're interested in gold-bearing rivers, …

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Forest Service restarting Prtt abandoned mine cleanup

Phase two began Monday, a Forest Service official said, and will focus on the Logan, Gold Eagle and Uncle Sam mines, as well as some remaining tasks from the first phase. About 100,000 mines have been abandoned in Arizona, according to the Arizona State Mine Inspector, leaving behind huge amounts of toxic waste.

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Lost Mines of Southern Arizona

These mines were supposedly close by in small mountain ranges. The original gold rush from 1734-1736 saw the lion's share of silver removed. After that, mining operations didn't prove too successful. One exception was the Heintzelman Mine, later known as the Cerro Colorado Mine.

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Looming dangers from Arizona's abandoned mines

"We have an estimated 100,000 abandoned mines, and the state mine inspector's office has only cataloged about 10,000 of those since about the 1980s," said Paul Marsh, the Arizona state mine ...

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