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A Manual for Design of Hot-Mix Asphalt with …

Specifications for Aggregate Gradation There are two types of gradation specifications or requirements used in HMA technology: (1) speciï¬ cations for the gradation of processed aggregate, as supplied by …

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Effect of Gradation and Morphological Characteristics of

In present study, two different sizes i.e., gradation I and II, for both bituminous concrete (BC) and dense bituminous macadam (DBM) of aggregates are castoff to investigate the influence of gradation on four different shapes (i.e., round, angular, flaky and elongated). Subsequently, traditional methods and 3D optical scanner image …

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Item 302 Aggregates for Surface Treatments

specifications. Notify the Engineer of all proposed material sources and of changes to material sources. The ... crushed slag, crushed stone, or limestone rock asphalt (LRA) B Crushed gravel, crushed slag, crushed stone, or LRA ... Aggregate Gradation Requirements (Cumulative % Retained1) Sieve Grade 1 2 3S2 3 4S2 4 5S2 5 Non-

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7 Different Crushed Stone Sizes and Their Applications

Crushed Stone Grade 1-10. Generally, as the grade number goes up, the size of the stone goes down. #1 – The # 1 crushed stone grade is the largest of the crushed stone grades and includes stone between 2-4 inches long. This material is great for larger jobs or for filling in larger holes. #3 – This size of the stone ranges from 1/2 to …

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Understanding Crushed Stone Grades

The information below provides a general overview to help you choose the right material for your project. #1. Crushed stone #1 is the largest of the crushed stone grades and includes stone that is between 2-4 inches. …

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2.04 CRUSHED ROCK FOR BELOW GROUND INSTALLATIONS A. Gravel or crushed rock material shall contain less than 1% asbestos by weight or volume and conform to the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, Section 200-1.2 and shall meet the following gradation: Designated Rock Size 1-1/2-Inch 1-Inch 3/4-Inch 3/8-Inch Sieve …

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Aggregates Specifications | Ontario Sand, Stone & Gravel …

The proportion of fine material produced in an aggregate operation depends on several factors, including the deposit geology and degree of crushing. In fine aggregates, the …

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Driving Surface Aggregate (DSA): Developed by Penn …

aggregate to meet gradation requirements, the added material passing the #200 sieve must be derived from ... found under "general resources"at Title: Driving Surface Aggregate (DSA): Developed by Penn State's Center for Dirt and Gravel Road Studies, DSA is a mixture of crushed stone developed specifically as a ...

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Practices for Unbound Aggregate Pavement Layers

This was attributed to the lower amount of reflective cracking in the stone inter- layer pavement. â ¢ The stone interlayer pavement could withstand about four times the number of load applications (1,294,800 ESALs) …

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Research on Mechanical Properties and Influencing Factors …

To study the mechanical properties of cement-graded crushed stone for use in the transition sections of intercity railways, the growth laws governing unconfined compressive strength, splitting strength and resilience modulus of cement-graded crushed stone and their influencing factors were studied by the vertical vibration compaction …

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C. General Requirements for Coarse and Fine Aggregate. 1. Calculate each individual sieve fraction soundness loss and ensure that the fractional size does not exceed the following: a. 13.0 percent for all surface courses and any asphalt concrete course directly below an open graded friction course. b. 13.0 percent for No. 8 aggregate fractions used …

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Base Course Construction: Materials, Specifications, and …

Ensure the largest stone particle size is between 1/2 to 2/3 of the proposed compacted base course thickness (typically 4 inches). Spread the crushed stone directly from trucks using spreading boxes or from roadside stone aggregate stacks. Typically, loose crushed stone settles to about 20-25% less thickness, depending on gradation and stone ...

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208-2.1 GENERAL. Aggregates shall consist of hard, durable particles or fragments of stone or gravel mixed ... coarse fragments of crushed stone or crushed gravel mixed or blended with sand, screenings, or other ... processing may be necessary to meet the gradation and performance requirements of this specification. 208-2.4 GRADATION.

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Section 902 AGGREGATES

General Requirements. The Department may re-inspect and ... C. Aggregates for Optimized Gradation. 1. Coarse Aggregate Requirements. a. Coarse aggregate includes all aggregate particles greater than ... crushed stone, iron blast furnace slag, reverberatory furnace slag or a blend of aggregates in accordance with Table 902-3 and this subsection.

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Item 302 Aggregates for Surface Treatments

Ensure the aggregate gradation meets the requirements in Table 2 for the specified grade, unless otherwise approved. Furnish aggregate that meets the requirements shown in …

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Railway ballast material selection and evaluation: A review

Ballast is generally defined as a volume of graded crushed rocks, however many other materials have been used or developed to serve as ballast [1].It is typically laid in a compacted layer, generally 250–350 mm thick, as shown in Fig. 1.It has the following functions [1], [2], [3]:. Resistance to the sleepers against vertical, longitudinal and lateral …

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by washing of the aggregates according to LS-601 and percent crushed aggregates according to LS-607 shall be one that holds a current certificate from CCIL as Type C. Testing for gradation and materials finer than 75 μm by washing and percent crushed aggregates shall be conducted by qualified laboratory

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Section 2315 | Revised 10/17/2023

Class A crushed stone meeting requirements of Article 4120.04 and if specifically designated, Class B crushed stone meeting requirements of Article 4120.05. C. ... Before surfacing material is placed, excavate to prepare a uniform subgrade, to provide for a finished surface at the general elevation of the shoulder, and to ensure drainage away ...

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For the purpose of this specification, the following definitions apply: Aggregate means . natural mineral materials such as sand, gravel, and crushed bedrock. Reclaimed materials may substitute for aggregates when allowed by the appropriate specification. Boulder means a detached rock mass with a diameter greater than 200 mm. Clay means

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22 (1) General 23 Use fine aggregate that is consistently graded from coarse to fine and consists of 24 natural sand, stone screenings, or a blend of natural sand and stone screenings. Use 25 aggregate composed of rough surfaced and angular grains of quartz or other hard 26 durable rock. NCDOT 2012 Standard Specifications

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Matls IM 409, Revised 10/20/20

GENERAL. Written source approval is required for PCC crushed stone, PCC gravel, PCC fine aggregate, and revetment ... less than 70 percent igneous and metamorphic particles and meeting the requirements of Article 4115 of the Standard Specifications. The crushed material must be from the same source as the natural fine aggregate.

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Crushed stone except limestone or dolomite 0 0-10 14-35 50-75 95-100 CPA-2 Chat 0 0-5 55-75 87-97 95-100 CPA-3 Siliceous Gravel or Crushed Stone 0 0-35 30-70 75-100 95-100 CPA-4* Siliceous Gravel, Chat or Crushed Stone 0 0-10** 95-100 * Use with Basic Aggregate to produce Mixed Aggregate

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In general, limestone is the hardest of the rocks, with ... Aggregate specifications have an allowable range of different stone sizes, expressed as a percentage of the total weight of ... This gradation specification is reported on a table or chart (see example above). The nominal maximum size of an aggregate specification is defined as the ...

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Gradation and Size – Pavement Interactive

Figure 3. Typical Aggregate Gradations and Permeabilities (after Ridgeway, 1982) Table 1. Some Representative Gradation Specifications for Aggregate Courses from the 1996 FHWA Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects (FP-96)

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Aggregates 101

Aggregate: A mixture of coarse to fine-grained particulate material used in construction, typically including sand, gravel, and crushed stone. Aggregate sieves used to separate …

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Use only crushed stone in District 1. For select granular backfill material composed of crushed stone, submit a proposed project gradation with single-point gradations and tolerances for approval. For sand and sand-gravel combinations, a project gradation will be issued that will specify gradation tolerances after the proposed material is approved.

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Aggregates for Use In Concrete

Very fine material such as silt, clay, or dust of fracture can increase the water demand in concrete. Fines limit is 3% in ASTM C 33 for concrete subject to abrasion. Manufactured …

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Development of a 3/4-Inch Minus Crushed Base Course Specification

Standard specifications from all 50 states were reviewed to extract gradation specifications for ¾-inch minus base course aggregates used as the compacted structural layer in highway construction. Information from that review helped identify a starting point from which to develop a standard specification for Montana …

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Section 4122 | Revised 10/17/2023

Crushed stone meeting the following requirements. 4122.02 GRADATION. A. Produce Macadam Crushed Stone with a nominal maximum size of 3 inches. Screen over a 3/4 inch screen, or when specified in the contract documents, a 1 inch screen. This is identified as Gradation No. 13 of the Aggregate Gradation Table, Article 4109.02. B.

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of either crushed stone, or crushed gravel, or crushed asphalt concrete, or crushed Portland cement concrete, or any combination, and natural sand, the combination of materials conforming to the requirements of ASTM D2940 and the plans and specifications, as authorized by the ENGINEER. 302.3.1.2 Coarse aggregates retained …

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Practices for Unbound Aggregate Pavement Layers

This was attributed to the lower amount of reflective cracking in the stone inter- layer pavement. â ¢ The stone interlayer pavement could withstand about four times the number of load applications (1,294,800 ESALs) under accelerated testing compared with the conven- tional flexible pavement section (314,500 ESALs) before undergoing failure ...

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209-1.1 This item consists of a base course composed of crushed aggregates constructed on a prepared course in accordance with these specifications and in conformity to the dimensions and typical cross sections shown on the plans. MATERIALS 209-2.1 AGGREGATE. Aggregates shall consist of clean, sound, durable particles of crushed …

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Section 6F-1

A. General Information Pavement systems generally consist of three layers: prepared subgrade, subbase, and pavement. This section will deal with the proper design and construction of subbases. The subbase is the layer of aggregate material that lies immediately below the pavement and usually consists of crushed

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