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The Interaction between Iron Cyanide and Lead Ions in Pyrite …

The flotation results showed that iron cyanide depressed pyrite during flotation greatly, while lead ions completely offset the depression role of iron cyanide and fully activate …

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The effect of molecular assembly between collectors and …

single mineral test takes the flotation recovery rate equal to the yield; in the artificial mixed ore flotation test, the flotation recovery rate is calculated after the chemical analysis of each product. 2.2.2. Adsorption amount measurements According to the difference in the concentration of the flotation agent in the solution before and ...

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Correlation of surface oxidation with xanthate adsorption and pyrite

The investigation of the sulfur oxidation behavior is key to understand pyrite oxidation [30].In this study, we utilized the amounts of sulfur species formed, an indicator of mineral surface oxidation, to evaluate pyrite surface oxidation [14, 24].As illustrated in Table 1, at the same pH, the amounts of sulfur oxyanions formation with H 2 O 2 …

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Flotation of Pyrite

Sodium silicate was somewhat effective in causing a differential or selective flotation of copper, as chalcopyrite from pyrite by keeping pyrite from floating. Sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide …

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Effect and Mechanism of Depressant Disodium …

Disodium carboxymethyl trithiocarbonate (D8) is an effective depressant for the flotation separation of stibnite and pyrite, but its inhibitory mechanism is still unclear. Hence, in this study, the flotation separation performance and inhibition mechanism of D8 were investigated through micro-flotation experiment, contact angle, infrared spectroscopy, …

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mill/sbm iron pyrite aspirated flotation at main

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Effect of Grinding Media on Grinding-Flotation Behavior …

ORIGINAL RESEARCH published: 17 June 2020 doi: 10.3389/fmats.2020.00176 Frontiers in Materials | 1 June 2020 | Volume 7 | Article 176

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Flotation separation of pyrite from arsenopyrite by surface …

Natural arsenopyrite and pyrite samples used in this study were obtained from Yunnan Province, China. The elemental compositions of mineral samples are shown in Table 1.High-purity samples were manually selected and ground to −75 μm, of which the −75 + 38 μm particles were used for flotation tests, plasma modification pulp chemistry …

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The Interaction between Iron Cyanide and Lead Ions in Pyrite Flotation

The flotation results showed that upon 5 × 10-5 mol/L Fe(CN) 6 3-addition, pyrite recovery drastically decreased from about 51.3% to 8.6%, while the subsequent addition of 9.5 × 10-4 mol/L lead ions significantly activated pyrite with the recovery increasing from 8.6% to 91%, which demonstrated that Fe(CN) 6 3-strongly depressed …

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Depression of iron sulphide flotation in zinc roughers

Flotation was performed with an Agitair flotation machine at 600 rpm in a 3.0 L flotation cell. The slurry volume was kept constant at 2.5 L. ... The Interaction of Iron Species with Pyrite Surfaces. J. Applied Electrochemisty, 1991, 21, 531-536. Rao, S.R., Labonte, G. and Finch, J.A., Electrochemistry in the Plant. In Innovations in Flotation ...

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Synthesis of 4A Zeolite from Kaolinite-Type Pyrite Flotation Tailings

As a solid waste, kaolinite-type pyrite flotation tailings (KPFT) are a type of low-quality kaolin that contain impurities, such as iron and titanium. In this study, KPFT were calcined at 800 °C for two hours. The calcined production (CKPFT), which is mainly metakaolin, was used as the silicon and aluminum source to synthesize 4A zeolite …

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Minerals | Free Full-Text | Flotation Decarbonization and

Flotation experiments were performed on an XFGII flotation machine assembled with a 1500 mL plexiglass cell at 1920 rpm speed. ... it can be seen that part of the iron oxide in the high-sulfur bauxite is associated with kaolinite and embedded ... which indicated that the butyl xanthate was an efficient collector for pyrite in the flotation of ...

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Flotation Dephosphorization of High-Phosphorus Oolitic Ore

The feasibility of dephosphorization using the flotation process and its mechanism of high-phosphorus oolitic hematite were discussed in this paper. The results showed that phosphorus minerals mainly exist in the form of collophane, which can be divided into three types. Block collophane and band collophane could be effectively …

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Advances in depressants used for pyrite flotation …

Pyrite is separated from other minerals mainly by flotation. However, the hydrophilicity of pyrite is affected by many factors, causing it to easily enter the concentrate and consequently reduce the quality of concentrate. Highly efficient pyrite depressants can be selectively adsorbed on the surface of pyrite to improve its hydrophilicity, thereby …

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Effect of regulating dissolved oxygen concentration in pulp …

The recovery of pyrite at DO = 3.3 mg/L was 75.45 %, which was much more than that at other DO concentrations. An optimal DO concentration (=3.3 mg/L) was helpful to pyrite flotation, and too high or too low DO concentration was not conducive to pyrite flotation recovery. This result confirmed by the contact angle measurements. (2)

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Characterization of flotation color by machine vision

Flotation is the most common industrial method by which valuable minerals are separated from waste rock after crushing and grinding the ore. For process control, flotation plants and devices are equipped with conventional and specialized sensors. However, certain variables are left to the visual observation of the operator, such as the color of the froth …

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Flotation of Gold and Gold-Bearing Ores

Differential flotation of the iron sulfides (Poling and Beattie, 1984) pyrite, pyrrhotite, and arsenopyrite is a unique process in the gold industry. There is scope on some gold mines for differential flotation of pyrite from arsenopyrite, or vice versa (Draskic et al., 1984, Beattie et al., 1992, Kogan et al., 1986). This is due to the fact ...

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Minerals | Free Full-Text | ImhoflotTM Flotation Cell

The most widespread flotation machine invented in 1905 was based on an agitator to well suspend solid–liquid–water within a cell and aspiration of air on the …

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Recovery of valuable elements from pyrite pyrolysis slag …

The pyrolysis slag used in this study comes from Hunan, China, which is a solid product obtained by pyrolysis of sulfide concentrates. The main chemical components are shown in Table 1, and the XRD spectrum of the sample is shown in Fig. 1.As seen from Table 1 and Fig. 1, pyrrhotite (Fe 7 S 8) is the main iron-containing phase.The iron …

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Selective adsorption behavior and mechanism of a high …

The flotation experiments were carried out in a XFG II50 laboratory flotation machine with a 20 mL flotation cell and impeller speed of 1992 rpm. Pure mineral sample (2.0 g) was added to 15 mL deionized water. ... The pyrite (110) surface terminated with iron and the talcum (001) surface terminated with magnesium were selected for the ...

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Using oxalic acid to eliminate the slime coatings of …

The micro-flotation tests were carried out in an XFG-1600 flotation machine with a 40 mL ... calcium and iron species from the pyrite surfaces and the increase of Cu-active sites on the pyrite ...

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A comparison of the predictability of batch flotation kinetic …

Section snippets Theory. For an analogy with chemical reactions, the batch flotation kinetics for the collection zone can be defined as the derivative of concentration of the valuable mineral with respect to time, provided the delivery of bubbles remains constant (i.e. size distribution, number of bubbles per unit time) (Eq.(1)). dC dt =-k · C n where C …

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The Interaction between Iron Cyanide and Lead Ions in Pyrite …

Therefore, iron cyanide can greatly depress pyrite flotation through the strong chemical interaction of iron cyanide with surface iron sites (ferric hydroxide), …

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Reagents types in flotation of iron oxide minerals: A review

Simultaneously, the iron grade and level of SiO2+Al2O3 impurity in the iron ore product from reverse flotation of the low-grade iron ore with DTAB collector reached 60.0 mass% and 4.4 mass%, which ...

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Minerals | Free Full-Text | Selective Flotation of Pyrite from

In this study, the surface modification of arsenopyrite and pyrite with low temperature oxygen plasma was developed as an effective approach to improve the flotation separation efficiency of minerals. The micro-flotation experiments results indicated that plasma pre-treatment can achieve selective flotation of arsenopyrite from …

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Effect of Power Ultrasound on Wettability and Collector-Less

For instance, Ozun et al. reported that the ultrasonic pre-treatment (60 min, 40 kHz) significantly improved collector-less flotation recovery of oxidized pyrite, however, Cao et al. pointed out that oxidation of the pyrite surface might be assisted and prohibited by ultrasonic treatment (0.3 W/cm 2) strictly depending on the ultra-sonication ...

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Flotation recovery of Chalcopyrite (Cp) and pyrite (Py) with …

Many researchers have tried to improve flotation recovery and selectivity by developing specific chemical reagents, flotation machines, and technologies [5][6][7][8][9][10].

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Adsorption study of fenugreek gum onto pyrite surface: …

To investigate the effects of FG on the flotation behaviors of chalcopyrite and pyrite, micro-flotation experiments were conducted in this study using an XFG mechanical agitation flotation machine equipped with a 40 mL Plexiglas cell, operating at 1992 r/min. Prior to each test, 2 g of chalcopyrite/pyrite particles (artificially mixed …

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An Insight into Flotation Chemistry of Pyrite with Isomeric …

The flotation chemistry between pyrite and isomeric xanthates (butyl xanthate and isobutyl xanthate) was investigated by means of adsorption experiments, surface tension tests, and molecular dynamic simulations in this work. The flotation chemical results were confirmed and further interpreted by quantum chemical …

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Correlation between copper-activated pyrite flotation and …

A maximum flotation rate of pyrite at pH 9.0 was obtained at copper sulphate and SIPX concentrations of 1000 and 120 g/t, respectively. Higher copper sulphate concentrations produced a lower rate of pyrite flotation as a result of copper hydroxide precipitation on the pyrite surface as detected by XPS (Boulton et al., 2003).

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A critical review on metallurgical recovery of iron from iron …

Fig. 2 illustrates the iron ore beneficiation process, particularly magnetic separation, resulting in the generation of inevitable tailings. Due to the characteristics of iron ores and the conditions during beneficiation, it is inevitable that approximately 2.5–3 tons of IOTs are generated for every 1 ton of iron ore concentrate produced [7].In 2019, …

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Minerals | Free Full-Text | ImhoflotTM Flotation Cell

The present work investigates a comparative study between mechanical and ImhoflotTM cells on a mini-pilot scale and the applicability of one self-aspirated H-16 cell (hybrid ImhoflotTM cell) on an industrial scale on-site. The VM-04 cell (vertical feed to the separator vessel with 400 mm diameter) was fabricated, developed, and examined. The …

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Froth Flotation of Chalcopyrite/Pyrite Ore: A Critical …

Flotation rate constant of chalcopyrite without collector as a function of pH. The dissolution of iron and copper is represented by the white and black bars, respectively (conditioning with N2 gas) (adapted from Fairthorne et al. [14]). The accepted mechanism for the initial stage of the sulfide mineral oxidation involves

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DFT‐optimized structure of (a) TGA, (b) PEX, (c) MBT

Flotation reagents are significant for modifying the interfacial characteristics of mineral grains to achieve the effective separation of minerals.

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Selectively Depress Copper-Activated Pyrite in Copper Flotation …

Pyrite depression in the flotation of copper ores is difficult due to the activation of Cu2+ ions on pyrite surface. In this study, the radical chain reaction involving the redox cycling of Cu(I/II) induced by sodium metabisulphite (MBS) was exploited to selectively depress the flotation of copper-activated pyrite at pH 8.0. Electrochemical …

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Froth Flotation Technique Method Procedure

Discussion flotation and mineral processing with industry metallurgist from around the world. Wetting and not wetting or water-absorbing is the principle of flotation. Some minerals are wetted, whereas others are not wetted. Wetting is a variable property of minerals and depends upon the surface properties of the solid, liquid, and gaseous …

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