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Investment in mining crucial to ensure continued

Investment in the mining industry is crucial to ensure its continued contribution to the South African economy, says PwC in its thirteenth edition of SA Mine 2021, a series of publications that ...

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Trends in productivity in the South African gold …

Fine and Rustomjee (2018) posit that South Africa has been a leading global supplier of minerals and mineral products for a long time. Neingo and Tholana (2016) aver that the mining industry in ...

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Outlook for the South African mining industry

South Africa's mining industry remains a critical component of the economy; a potential flywheel for upstream manufacturing, downstream beneficiation, and horizontal spillovers. ... Gold and platinum are particularly afflicted, as the high marginal costs of production in South Africa make the sectors dependent on a weak Rand for …

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the impact of labour relations in the mining sector in south africa

The mining sector is the major contributor to South African GDP and provides employment to some 500 000 workers directly and a further 500 000 indirectly. I will attempt today to analyse how the South African mining industry finds itself in such a …

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Putting the shine back into South African mining: A path to

The mining value chain is the historic bedrock of South Africa's economy. It directly contributes more than 300 billion rand to GDP, directly employs more than 450,000 people, and is the economic anchor of many communities around the country. Unfortunately, much of the news about South African mining in recent years has been …

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Policy and Regulatory Framework for South Africa's Mining …

One of the keys to unlocking the industry is to ensure that South Africa's mining policies are clearly defined and more straightforward. South Africa has all the …

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Contributors to Fatigue of Mine Workers in the South African …

1. Introduction. The South African mining industry (SAMI) is a significant contributor to the economy of the country but faces sustainability, occupational health, and safety challenges [1], [2].The SAMI is traditionally labor intensive and takes place in difficult conditions [3], [4].In addition, the SAMI has residual problems faced by mine workers, …

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What are the challenges in Africa's mining industry?

Here are some of the challenges faced by the mining sector in Africa and what we can look forward to in 2024. Obstacles facing the mining industry in Africa Commodity price volatility: The commodity price volatility hit the African mining sector hard in 2023, increasing prices of gold, copper, and iron ore and affecting economic conditions.

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BCX | Transformative Change in the South African Mining Sector

The South African mining sector has faced its own fair share of challenges over the past few years. Changes in economy, complexities with labour, rising costs, and political uncertainty have taken their toll on an industry once known for its stability. In 2020, this picture has slowly changed, in spite of an even more uncertain and …

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Occupational Health In The South African Mining Industry Handbook

Mine Health and Safety Council 145 Western Service Road Western Woods Office Park B7, Maple Place Woodmead Gauteng South Africa T: 011 070 4200 / 011 656 1797

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'Residual Governance' dives into South Africa's mining industry

Through studying the residues of South Africa's mining industry – a core infrastructure of the apartheid regime – Stanford historian Gabrielle Hecht shows how its deleterious effects continue.

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Mining in SA

Key mining facts: In 2018 the mining sector contributed R351 billion to the South African gross domestic product (GDP) A total of 456,438 people were employed in the mining …

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Minerals and Mining Policy of South Africa: Green Paper

South Africa's mining industry is supported by an extensive and diversified resource base, and has since its inception been a cornerstone of South Africa's economy. ... resources need to be employed by the State to control artisanal mining as effectively as possible. 1.4.4 Policy Proposals ... technological skills and low energy costs. iv) That ...

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8 strategies for reclaiming efficiency and …

Over the past year, mining executives have received one message, loud and clear: markets will no longer tolerate production at any cost, according to a report by Deloitte. During the height of the mining …

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An analysis of maintenance performance systems in the South African

maintenance cost for most mines in South Africa and in ... The mining industry in South Africa is more than 150 years old. ... Further modes of development of control information systems in ...

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African mining sector: Embracing innovation and …

The transformation of Africa's mining sector attracts substantial investments and fosters strategic partnerships. Global players like Huawei are deploying advanced …

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Digital transformation in the South African mining industry…

Cost containment is still king, closely followed by survival. ... Digital transformation in the South African mining industry: Part 1 ... By way of example, one challenge in providing us with the numbers here, is the impact of advanced process control. One miner said they were struggling to answer as a 1% improvement in the …

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BCX | How Automation Can Drive Safety In the Mining …

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the mining sector, with the miningand quarrying industries contracting by 73.1% between Q1 and Q2 of 2020, contributing significantlyto SA's overall GDP contraction of some 16.4%. A negative impact on the mining sector is therefore a negative impact on the country. Local mining …

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South Africa: Strikes cost mining industry $1.67B in …

South Africa: Strikes cost mining industry $1.67B in production losses in 2012. The total value of production lost due to strikes and stoppages in the mining …

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FDI technology spillovers in the mining …

All content in this area was uploaded by Nahom Ghebrihiwet on Jun 18, 2019

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Strategic optimisation in the South African Mining Industry …

The South African mining industry, a cornerstone of the country's economy, faces unprecedented challenges in the form of fluctuating commodity prices, increasing operational costs, and stringent ...

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SA Mine 2020

The total revenue generated by the South African mining industry for the year ended 30 June 2020 grew by 4%. This was mainly driven by PGMs, gold and iron ore, which saw increases in revenue for …

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Investing in South Africa's Mining and Mineral …

> South Africa's mining industry is the fifth largest globally in terms of gross domestic product (GDP). > The mining sector contributed R356bn or 7.3% to South Africa's GDP …

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Mining and tax in South Africa: Costs and benefits

Anglo Platinum, the world's largest platinum producer based in South Africa, made $1.6b after tax in 2006; Impala Platinum, the country's second producer, made a massive $2.2b. Mining in South Africa has major costs for many mine-workers, no less than 2,869 of whom have died in the mines over the past ten years while

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How 30 years of democracy has transformed South Africa's mining industry

South Africa's 30 years of democracy has changed the character of this country's mining industry profoundly, Minerals Council South Africa emphasised in a report that highlights the industry ...

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Mining industry in South Africa

Coal mining in South Africa began around the same time as gold mining and is one of the country's most valuable commodities, accounting for 26 percent of mineral …

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Introduction: Colonial South Africa, Mineral Revolutions and …

Footnote 37 Although the suitability of the term 'revolution' to describe the combined socioeconomic effects of diamond and gold mining on South Africa as a whole remains a matter of historical and historiographical debate, the growth of the mining industry was certainly revolutionary enough in its impact on the ZAR's finances and ...

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SA Mine 2020

The total revenue generated by the South African mining industry for the year ended 30 June 2020 grew by 4%. This was mainly driven by PGMs, gold and iron ore, which saw increases in revenue for the 12-month period. ... Investment can only be attracted if the SA mining industry can be cost competitive with its global peers. The …

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Mining Sector Report 2023

This report aims to provide detailed insights into the South African Mining sector, covering companies from sub-industries such as coal, general mining, gold mining, platinum, and …

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Mining management: The path to operational excellence

While the ten largest companies in the manufacturing and business services industries have seen their productivity index grow by around 15 percent and 25 percent respectively over the past 25 years, the ten largest companies in the mining industry have seen only marginal growth of around 1 percent over the same period.

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Hazards identified and the need for health risk …

Although mining is a cornerstone of the South African economy (), it generates copious amounts of dust. 1 The dusts may be toxic since they may also be contaminated with various toxic metals.For this …

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Why is labour strife so persistent in South Africa's mining industry

This is a necessary condition for South Africa's mining industry to prosper in the future. Unless the mining industry is rejuvenated – given its centrality to the thriving of most other economic sectors – the economy will continue to careen towards stagflation (Harvey, 2015). 2. South Africa's mining industry

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Policy and Regulatory Framework for South Africa's Mining Industry

This briefing has been published by Lucas Moalusi and Godfrey Malesa of Fasken Martineau, South Africa, who have agreed to Simmons & Simmons making it available to elexica subscribers.There's never been a more pertinent time to reflect on the current landscape of the mining industry in South Africa than now.. The year 2018 …

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