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Transport of boron by the tassel-less1 aquaporin is critical …

The element boron (B) is an essential plant micronutrient, and B deficiency results in significant crop losses worldwide. The maize (Zea mays) tassel-less1 (tls1) mutant has defects in vegetative and inflorescence development, comparable to the effects of B deficiency. Positional cloning revealed th …

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Development of AMBER parameters for molecular dynamics …

Development of AMBER parameters for molecular dynamics simulations of boron compounds containing aromatic structure. ... Boron compounds are vital for drug design due to their high stability and low toxicity under physiological conditions. Because they are potent hydroxide-attractive molecules, they react with organic compounds …

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Development and application of bio-waste-derived …

Fig. 9 shows boron adsorption efficiency under different pH values. The boron adsorption efficiency was about 31.65% for bentonite at pH 6, about 31.6% for AC at pH 6, and about 31.8% for MDPs at pH8, 30.75%, and 29.35% at pH 2 and pH 6, respectively for RDPs. Fig. 10 A illustrates an example of the reaction of boron …

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Development of Novel LAT1 Targeting Small Molecules for Boron …

Development of Novel LAT1 Targeting Small Molecules for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) and Potential Application for Treating Glioblastoma. ... Boronated compounds were tested for boron uptake and retention in multiple cell lines expressing either LAT1 and/or PEPT1. Compounds were further tested in multiple human xenograft …

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Development of a close-to-production prototype of an …

Corpus ID: 139525035; Development of a close-to-production prototype of an induction heating device for hot stamping of boron alloyed steels @inproceedings{Gasser2011DevelopmentOA, title={Development of a close-to-production prototype of an induction heating device for hot stamping of boron alloyed steels}, …

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22.11: Boron

Neutral compounds of the group 13 elements are electron deficient, so they are generally moderately strong acids. In contrast to groups 1 and 2, the group 13 elements show no consistent trends in ionization energies, electron affinities, and reduction potentials, whereas electronegativities actually increase from aluminum to thallium.

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Development of a Boron Nitride-Filled Dental Adhesive …

Development of a Boron Nitride-Filled Dental Adhesive System Senthilguru Kulanthaivel 1, Jeremiah Poppen 1, Sandra Ribeiro Cunha 1, Benjamin Furman 2, Kyumin Whang 3 and Erica C. Teixeira 1,*

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Borophene as a prototype for synthetic 2D materials …

With its foundations in computationally guided synthesis, borophene can serve as a prototype for ongoing efforts to discover and exploit synthetic 2D materials.

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What is a Prototype? Definitions and Benefits of Prototyping …

Concept Development: This is where you brainstorm ideas and create low-fidelity prototypes to explore different concepts. The goal is to identify a direction for your product. Design and Development: Once you've settled on a concept, you start creating more detailed prototypes. This stage involves refining the design, adding interactive ...

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Borophene as a prototype for synthetic 2D materials development …

The recent synthesis of 2D boron polymorphs (that is, borophene) provides a notable example of such success. ... With its foundations in computationally guided synthesis, borophene can serve as a prototype for ongoing efforts to discover and exploit synthetic 2D materials. ... Borophene as a prototype for synthetic 2D materials development ...

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Borophene: Two-dimensional Boron Monolayer: Synthesis, …

Borophene, a monolayer of boron, has risen as a new exciting two-dimensional (2D) material having extraordinary properties, including anisotropic metallic …

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The rationale and requirements for the development of boron …

This binary system is based upon two key requirements: (1) the development and use of neutron beams from nuclear reactors or other sources with the capability for delivering high fluxes of thermal neutrons at depths sufficient to reach all tumor foci, and (2) the development and synthesis of boron compounds that can penetrate the normal ...

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Nanoscale structure study of boron nitride …

Nanoscale structure study of boron nitride nanosheets and development of a deep-UV photo-detector ... The initial experimental tests of the developed prototype BNNSs based deep-ultraviolet photo-detector …

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Development of prototype battery management system for …

1. Introduction. Lithium-ion batteries are widely used in electric vehicles/hybrid electric vehicles and also energy storage systems due to their advantages, such as higher energy and power density, lower self-discharge rate [1].Benefit from the rapid development of the electric vehicles, the lithium-ion battery is the fastest evolving of all existing …

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Deep Learning to Speed up the Development of Structure

Deep Learning to Speed up the Development of Structure-Property Relations For Hexagonal Boron Nitride and Graphene Small. 2019 May;15(19):e1900656. doi: 10.1002/smll.201900656. Epub 2019 Apr 10. Authors ... This study contains simulated hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) microstructures damaged by various levels of radiation …

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What is a prototype? Definition, types, and prototyping …

This prototype helps the development process to identify the flow, allowing the developers to identify the technical solution and needs early on. You can also use this prototype with the end user to identify problems with the flow (e.g., if the user struggles to navigate your app to fill out a form for a reclaim request. 5. Conceptual videos

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Flexible metal-semiconductor-metal device prototype on …

Practical boron nitride (BN) detector applications will require uniform materials over large surface area and thick BN layers. To report important progress toward these technological requirements ...

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Development of Regenerable High Capacity Boron …

Development of an efficient hydrogen extraction system will allow approaching the storage system cost ($67/ kg H2) target. Approach The objective of the four-year two-phase project is to develop synthesis and hy drogen extraction processes for nitrogen/boron hydride compounds that will permit exploitation of the high hydrogen content of these

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Borophene as a prototype for synthetic 2D materials …

The synthesis of atomically thin 2D γ-boron films on copper foils is achieved by chemical vapor deposition using a mixture of pure boron andboron oxide powders as …

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Development of an Imaging Technique for Boron Neutron …

The development of 4-10 B-borono-2-18 F-fluoro-L-phenylalanine (18 FBPA) for use in positron emission tomography (PET) has contributed to the progress of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT).18 FBPA has shown similar pharmacokinetics and distribution to 4-10 B-borono-L-phenylalanine (BPA) under various conditions in many …

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(PDF) Development of boron-based hydrogen and fuel cell …

A hydrogen generation system utilizing sodium borohydride solution and a 200 W fuel cell system were developed for powering a small custom-designed and manufactured unmanned aerial vehicle.

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On the Properties and Preparation of the Element Boron.

This article is cited by 17 publications. Harini Gunda, Saroj Kumar Das, Kabeer Jasuja. Simple, Green, and High-Yield Production of Boron-Based …

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Fourth Edition Boron Final January 2010

Boron in drinking-water Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality. ... publications—whether for sale or for non-commercial distribution—should be addressed to WHO Press at the above address (fax: +41 22 791 4806; e- mail:[email protected]). ...

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Borophene as a prototype for synthetic 2D materials …

In this Perspective, we discuss recent progress and future opportunities for borophene research. Borophene combines unique mechanical properties with anisotropic …

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Borophene as a prototype for synthetic 2D materials …

The synthesis and characterization of small boron clusters with unique size and regular arrangement are crucial for boron chemistry and two-dimensional …

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Borophene as a prototype for synthetic 2D materials …

With its foundations in computationally guided synthesis, borophene can serve as a prototype for ongoing efforts to discover and exploit synthetic 2D materials. …

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Borophene as a prototype for synthetic 2D …

The multi-centre characteristics of boron-boron bonding lead to the formation of configurationally varied, vacancy-mediated structural motifs, providing unprecedented diversity in a mono-elemental 2D …

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Effects of Boron on Rhizobium-Legume Cell-Surface …

Boron (B) is an essential micronutrient for the development of nitrogen-fixing root nodules in pea (Pisum sativum). By using monoclonal antibodies that recognize specific glycoconjugate components implicated in legume root-nodule development, we investigated the effects of low B on the formation of infection threads and the …

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Optimizing Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) to Treat …

In this sense, the development of boron compounds that could target DNA and/or the cell nucleus is in the spotlight. Novopashina et al. published a mini review on the recent advances in the development of boron-loaded nucleic acids. For example, synthetic oligonucleotides (like antisense DNA, siRNA) have specific interaction with DNA and …

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How to make a prototype | Miro

Steps to follow to make a prototype. Prototypes serve as a tangible representation of an idea, product, or solution. Creating a prototype allows designers, developers, and stakeholders to visualize and interact with the concept before investing significant resources into its full development.. Before diving into the prototyping process, it is essential to …

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The versatility of boron in biological target engagement

Here we review boron's interactions with a range of protein side-chain residues and reveal that boron's properties are nuanced and arise from its uncommon …

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