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M line M Premium line

Fixed bowl spiral mixer with two motors suitable for bakeries of all sizes. ·Two speeds ·Two motors ·Two way bowl rotation allowing to reverse the bowl in 1st speed ·Belt transmission ·Automatic timers ·Stainless steel bowl, spiral tool and breaker bar ·Optional stainless steel finish, stainless steel lid, touch screen and infrared

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PM Professional line

ESCHER MIXERS srl 36034 Malo · VI · Italy · Via Copernico, 62 T +39 0445 576.692 · F +39 0445 577.280 mail@eschermixers Model Capacity Reduction Power Dimensions (mm) Weight Speed Tool speed Modello Capacità Riduzione Potenza Dimensioni (mm) Peso Velocità Velocità utensile

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General Catalogue

the Industrial Mixer technology for mixing Escher Mixers specialises in the production of mixing machinery for the bread and pastry-making sectors. Over the years we have gained specialised knowledge that has allowed us to develop machines and solutions to meet the needs of a variety of clients and different types of markets.

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Escher M Premium Spiral Mixers – Vanrooy

Unit 15, 40-42 O'Riordan Street, Alexandria NSW 2015 Australia. Our Stores. Track Your Order

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Escher Mixers srl. 36034 Malo - Vicenza - Italy - Via Copernico, 62 T +39 0445 576.692 - F +39 0445 577.280 - E mail@eschermixers - P.IVA 02824360248 Política de privacidad - Política de Cookies. Instagram; Youtube; Linkedin

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Escher Mixers srl. 36034 Malo - Vicenza - Italy - Via Copernico, 62 T +39 0445 576.692 - F +39 0445 577.280 - E mail@eschermixers - P.IVA 02824360248 Politique de confidentialité - Politique de cookies. Instagram; Youtube; Linkedin

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What Do Escher Mixers Have to Offer? | Dough …

Escher mixers feature practicality and versatility by offering a range of dough discharge options. Self-tipping spiral mixers like products from their MT or MT Premium line feature a dough-tipping system that …

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Escher Spiral Mixer | M1 Line M1-30-M1-60 Get latest price

To contact Vanrooy Machinery about Escher Spiral Mixer | M1 Line M1-30-M1-60 use Get a quote. Silent and reliable mixer, designed for an intense use, it can satisfy the daily production needs of a small-medium bakery, a pizzeria, or a Supermarket. Optional stainless steel finish, variable speed with inverter, independent bowl transmission. ...

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There is no bread or pastry products that an Escher mixer cannot knead or mix. Today we offer a wide range of models that are enhanced by an extensive list of accessories capable of covering the needs of both artisans and industry. Escher mixers are renowned for their sturdiness, durability, accurate finishes, and for the quality of the dough ...

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Forte de plus de trente ans d'expérience, de centaines de projets et de technologies de pointe, Escher Mixers est considérée comme le partenaire idéal des principales multinationales et entreprises nationales. Avec une présence sur les cinq continents, aujourd'hui nous pouvons affirmer que les mélangeurs Escher sont devenus un nom ...

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Escher Mixers was founded in 2000 following more than three decades of experience in the bakery industry. From the beginning, the company was oriented toward and specialised in the production of mixing machinery for the bread and pastry-making sectors.

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Escher M Premium Mixer | Dough Tech

Two way bowl rotation allowing to reverse the bowl in 1st speed. Belt transmission. Automatic timers. Stainless steel bowl, spiral tool and breaker bar. Optional stainless steel finish, stainless steel lid, touch screen and …

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Fixed bowl spiral mixer with two motors with hydraulic elevator which tips the dough into a divider or onto atable to either 1500 mm or 2000 mm. · Two speeds,two motors, two way bowl rotation allowing to reverse the bowl in 1st speed ... Escher Mixers srl. 36034 Malo - Vicenza - Italy - Via Copernico, 62 T +39 0445 576.692 ...

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Escher Mixers: The Best Dough Mixers on the Market

Industrial Dough Mixers. For industrial baking operations and distributors, we offer the full product line of Escher industrial mixers. Depending on your needs, you can select from fixed bowl spiral mixers, planetary mixers, bowl lifters and tippers, bowl cooling systems, fully automated (robotic) bowl handling and mixing systems and more.

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Escher M Premium Line

The most robust spiral mixer on the market, producing the highest quality dough. Fitted with a dual belt, adding more power to the spiral tool & saving on energy. Two speeds …

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Escher M100P

Fitted with Escher's Premium Drive 4 pully system - specifically designed for intense use & stiff doughs; Robust; Dual belt adds more power to spiral tool & saves energy; Two …

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Escher Commercial Spiral Dough Mixer -Model M-100 P

Escher Commercial Spiral Dough Mixer -Model M-100 P - 100 kg. Dough Capacity -2 speed - 2 way Boel Rotation --( Vanrooy Machinery )- 3 Phase 415 Volt- …

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Escher Spiral Mixer | M1 Line M1-30-M1-60 Get …

To contact Vanrooy Machinery about Escher Spiral Mixer | M1 Line M1-30-M1-60 use Get a quote. Silent and reliable mixer, designed for an intense use, it can satisfy the daily production needs of a small-medium …

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Escher Mixers Srl | See Full Import/Export History

Government customs records and notifications available for Escher Mixers Srl in India. See their past export from Comax Hospitality Private Limited, an importer based in India. Follow future shipping activity from Escher Mixers Srl.

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ESCHER SPIRAL BAKERY MIXER MODEL: M160 PREMIUM/ 3 PHASE/ 60 HERTZ/ 208 VOLTS Description M lineFixed bowl spiral mixer with two motorssuitable for bakeries of all sizes. · Two speeds · Two motors · Two way bowl rotation allowing toreverse the bowl in 1st speed · Belt transmission · Automatic timers · Stainless steel bowl, … Continue reading …

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The range of planetary and other mixers, as well as automatic industrial production line mixers, created in stainless steel to guarantee quality and durability. Look at the models.

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Escher M100P

The Escher M Premium Series is a fixed bowl spiral dough mixer designed specifically to improve your production quality and time parameters. The Premium Line was created for intensive use with stiffer doughs whilst featuring the Premium drive system and dual belt resulting in more power being delivered to the spiral t

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ESCHER MIXERS • EM Bakery Equipment

Escher started their mixer portfolio with fixed bowl spiral mixers, continuing with removable bowl ones with lifters, self-tilting mixers and finally planetary mixers. They are producing mixer accessories as well. Through the years, they gained knowledge and created new mixers for a wide community of bakers. There's no dough Escher mixer cannot ...

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Escher Mixers srl 36034 Malo - Vicenza - Italy - Via Copernico, 62 T +39 0445 576.692 - F +39 0445 577.280 - E mail@eschermixers - P.IVA 02824360248

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the Industrial Mixer

Escher Mixers specialises in the production of mixing machinery for the bread and pastry-making sectors. Over the years we have gained specialised knowledge that has allowed us to develop machines and solutions to meet the needs of a variety of clients and different types of markets. Today we boast a complete range, with numerous models

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Con oltre trent'anni di esperienza, centinaia di progetti e tecnologie all'avanguardia, Escher Mixers è considerato il partner ideale delle principali multinazionali e delle aziende nazionali. Con riferimenti in tutti i …

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M line M Premium line

Fixed bowl spiral mixer with two motors suitable for bakeries of all sizes. ·Two speeds ·Two motors ·Two way bowl rotation allowing to reverse the bowl in 1st speed ·Belt …

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Our Range of Premium Mixers | Bakery Equipment | Vanrooy

The Escher M100 is the most robust spiral mixer on the market, producing the highest quality dough with minimal heat generation, making it the ideal mixer for croissant dough and sourdough where dough temperature is critical. The M Premium Series has a capacity range from 40kg to 240kg. There are two speeds available for use, …

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Middleby Acquires Escher Mixers, Expands Industrial Baking …

ELGIN, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Middleby Corporation (NASDAQ: MIDD) today announced the acquisition of Escher Mixers, a designer and manufacturer of highly-engineered spiral and planetary mixers ...

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The Escher Spiral Mixer Blog Post | Stratton Sales

There are many reasons to use an Escher mixer, one is the quality of the mixer and the accuracy of finish. Since 2000 (and for three decades before the company officially opened) Escher has been manufacturing high quality mixers for artisan and industry, as well as gaining expertise and knowledge in the field of mixers and kneaders.

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LIMITED STOCK! Your Baking Favourites Now Available!

Escher M100 Premium Spiral Mixer. The Escher M100 is our best-selling mixer, and for good reason! This fixed bowl spiral dough mixer is designed specifically to improve your production quality and time parameters. The Premium Line was created for intensive use with stiffer doughs whilst featuring the Premium drive system and dual belt …

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Con oltre trent'anni di esperienza, centinaia di progetti e tecnologie all'avanguardia, Escher Mixers è considerato il partner ideale delle principali multinazionali e delle aziende nazionali. Con riferimenti in tutti i cinque continenti, oggi possiamo dire che i miscelatori Escher sono diventati un nome mondiale nel settore delle ...

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Our Range of Premium Mixers | Bakery Equipment …

The Escher M100 is the most robust spiral mixer on the market, producing the highest quality dough with minimal heat generation, making it the ideal mixer for croissant dough and sourdough where …

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