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Behaviour of selected minerals in an improved ash

A suite of minerals found in coals were analysed using an improved ash fusion test. These minerals were quartz, potassium feldspar, sodium feldspar, calcite, dolomite, siderite, pyrite, kaolinite, illite and apatite.Each specimen was also analysed by XRD as an "as-received" specimen, an 800°C product and a 1600°C product. These results allowed …

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Minimal biomass deposition in banded iron …

The apatite layers include laths of minnesotaite and microscopic haematite, siderite, and pyrite (Fig. 5a). Pyrite occurs …

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Arsenic-poor fluids promote strong As partitioning into pyrite

1. Introduction. Pyrite (FeS 2) is the most common sulfide mineral in hydrothermal systems of the Earth's crust, which is due to its stability over a wide range of pH (0–9), temperature (up to 740°C) and redox conditions (Nordstrom, 1982, Evangelou, 1995, Craig et al., 1998, Kusebauch et al., 2018).In combination with its ability to …

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Siderite-based anaerobic iron cycle driven by autotrophic

The rate of siderite transformation calculated from Möss data (Table 1) was high: 0.5% hydrothermal siderite per day was transformed into magnetite, hematite and metabolically induced ...

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Geochemical and mineralogical evidence for the formation …

In iron-bearing reducing settings on the Earth's surface and in the shallow subsurface, siderite is the most common iron carbonate mineral (Hangari et al., 1980; …

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Minimal biomass deposition in banded iron formations …

The apatite layers include laths of minnesotaite and microscopic haematite, siderite, and pyrite (Fig. 5a). Pyrite occurs within apatite and surrounding the apatite layers (Fig. 5a ).

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The chemistry of hydrothermal magnetite: A review

Magnetite belongs to the space group Fd3m and has an inverse spinel structure with the general stoichiometry AB 2 O 4 (Bragg, 1915, Fleet, 1981), where A represents a divalent cation such as Mg, Fe 2 +, Ni, Mn, Co, or Zn, and B represents a trivalent cation such as Al, Fe 3 +, Cr, V, Mn, or Ga (Lindsley, 1976a, Wechsler et al., …

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Removal of dissolved selenium by siderite, pyrite, and …

Pure mineral phases of siderite, pyrite, and sphalerite present in the waste rock (Hendry et al., 2015) were also tested. Sequestration of Se by the waste rock sample was quantified using a sorption isotherm for short-term removal and a range of reduction rates for long-term removal. X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) …

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cite [3], pyrite, magnetite [6], iron hydroxide [7-8], hematite [8], potassium feldspars [6], and the alumi-nous hydroxyl phosphate goyazite [2]. We report the first occurrence of diagenetic phosphatization of impact spherules, which were re-cently recovered from K/Pg boundary deposits at the Jean and Ric Edelman Fossil Park at Rowan University

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Mineral and Technological Features of Magnetite–Hematite Ores …

Analysis of the current technical solutions for the processing of iron ores showed that the high-grade ores are directly exposed to metallurgical processing; by comparison, low-grade ores, depending on the mineralogical and material composition, are directed to beneficiation including gravitational, magnetic, and flotation processes or …

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(PDF) Iron isotope fractionation between pyrite (FeS 2), …

Iron isotope fractionation between pyrite (FeS 2), hematite (Fe 2O 3) and siderite (FeCO 3): A first-principles density functional theory study

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Evaluation of siderite and magnetite formation in BIFs by …

Recent studies using P/T-burial simulations of synthetic mixtures of ferrihydrite, with glucose as a proxy for biomass, have demonstrated that magnetite and …

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Geochemical and mineralogical evidence for the formation of siderite …

1. Introduction. In iron-bearing reducing settings on the Earth's surface and in the shallow subsurface, siderite is the most common iron carbonate mineral (Hangari et al., 1980; Mulders et al., 2021).Siderite is formed by complicated interactions between iron and organic materials precipitated during quasi-syngenesis (Wittkop et al., 2014).Most …

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Coupled partitioning of Au and As into pyrite controls

Gold-rich pyrite forms via the interaction of an Au- and H 2 S-containing fluid with reactive iron in Fe-bearing carbonates of the wall rock (13, 14) or a Fe-bearing fluid (15, 16).The resulting H 2 S consumption leads to the destabilization of dissolved Au-HS complexes and, consequently, to the precipitation of Au (7, 13, 14).In addition to this desulfidation of the …

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Geochemical and mineralogical evidence for the formation of siderite …

The low sulfur contents, absence of pyrite, and Sr/Ba ratios indicate that the siderite was deposited in a freshwater (non-marine) environment. The V/(V + Ni) values of studied samples, ranging from 0.68 to 0.86, indicate that the siderite developed under anoxic conditions.

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How many of the following are oxide ores? Calamine, cuprite …

Among the following ores Bauxite, Siderite, Cuprite, Calamine, Haematite, Kaolinite, Malachite, Magnetite, Sphalerite, Limonite, Cryolite, the number of principal ores of iron is _____ View Solution. Q2. How many of the following ores belong to either aluminium or …

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Among the following ores Bauxite, Siderite, Cuprite, …

Siderite, Haematite, Magnetite, Limonite. Bauxite − AlO x (OH) 3 − 2 x (where 0 < x<1) Siderite − FeCO 3 Cuprite − Cu 2 O Calamine − ZnCO 3 Haematite − Fe 2 O 3 Kaolinite − Al 2 (OH) 4 Si 2 O 5 Malachite − CuCO 3 ⋅ Cu (OH) 2 Magnetite − Fe 3 O 4 Sphalerite − ZnS Limonite − Fe 2 O 3 ⋅ 3 H 2 O Cryolite − Na 3 AlF 6

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Mineral and Technological Features of Magnetite–Hematite …

Analysis of the current technical solutions for the processing of iron ores showed that the high-grade ores are directly exposed to metallurgical processing; by comparison, low-grade ores, depending on the mineralogical and material composition, are directed to beneficiation including gravitational, magnetic, and flotation processes or …

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Relationships between uranium occurrence, pyrite and carbonaceous

The study found that the main type of uranium minerals are pitchblende in granular, particulate aggregate, radial and colloidal shapes, closely coexisting with pyrite and carbonaceous debris; The δ 34 S range of framboidal pyrite and colloidal pyrite are −35.8‰∼−29.7‰ and −29.2‰∼14.9‰ respectively and the fluid environment of ...

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Arsenic-poor fluids promote strong As partitioning into pyrite

For instance, our results suggest that the replacement of siderite by pyrite through a coupled dissolution reprecipitation reaction may serve as an efficient …

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Pyrite in Magnetite

Pyrite In Magnetite - Color, Facts, Power, Mythology, History And Myths. The prominent aspect of black with gold in pyrite and magnetite makes it a jewel boulder that often recognized as Healer's Gold. This combination of pyrite and magnetite in a single nugget is contemplated to be pulled out from the regions of Arizona, United States.

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iron (Fe)

Siderite. Siderite is a brown, gray-green, or white mineral, iron (II) carbonate (FeCO 3), found in sedimentary iron ores and as vein deposits with other ores (Figure 6). Its crystals are rhombohedral in the hexagonal system and it occurs as massive deposits or in granular form. ... Pyrite, also known as iron pyrites (Fe 2 S, iron (II ...

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Frontiers | Sphalerite as a non-traditional critical metal …

The presence of euhedral siderite within and around the host pyrite cluster, and associated nodule mineralization style (Bertrandsson Erlandsson et al., 2022), points towards an additional decrease in fS 2, as fS 2 has been shown to be the major reason for pyrite → siderite transformation (Qiu et al., 2021).

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(PDF) Redox properties of clay-rich sediments as

siderite and fi ne pyrite, b. siderite, c. fi ne, medium and large coarse pyrite, d. dithionite-reduced SWa-1, SWy-1, Fithian illite and IMt-1. Shades around data points represent the range of

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Siderite, pyrite and magnesite identification in oil shale by …

DTA in air produces exothermic oxidation peaks for siderite (FeCO 3) and pyrite (FeS 2) and a single endothermic peak for magnesite (MgCO 3), which are superimposed and also obscured by the larger exotherm produced by the burning of the oil shale organic contents.However, in flowing N 2, the presence of each of these minerals …

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Iron Ores

Goethite is no longer important in iron making. Its importance in older times is unclear to me because it was not distinguished from siderite or bog ore. Goethite forms by "weathering" of more primary iron ores like magnetite …

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Iron Ores

Goethite is no longer important in iron making. Its importance in older times is unclear to me because it was not distinguished from siderite or bog ore. Goethite forms by "weathering" of more primary iron ores like magnetite or pyrite, involving a change from Fe(II) compounds to the more stable Fe(III) form.

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Siderite-based anaerobic iron cycle driven by autotrophic

The accumulation of the main BIF iron mineral association, i.e. hematite, magnetite and metabolically induced siderite, could arise from the difference in microbial siderite oxidation and ...

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Fluid–rock reactions in the 1.3 Ga siderite carbonatite of the

The siderite-free CCB samples in the drill cores are found within 5 m from the dike margin and are characterized by (1) calcite with abundant inclusions of strontianite, magnetite, …

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Formation of Pyrite Spherules From Mixtures of Biogenic …

1 Introduction. In natural settings, pyrite displays a wide range of morphologies that can be clustered into two main families: single crystals and framboids (Taylor & Macquaker, 2000).Pyrite single crystals are euhedral crystals (cubic, octahedral or pyritohedral shapes and their intermediates), generally ranging from hundreds of …

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Siderite is a member of calcite group minerals, which have a similar structure and form several solid-solution series. The miscibility of the calcite group members is limited though. Of the several possible members of the solid-solution series associated with siderite (FeCO 3), only the smithsonite (ZnCO 3), magnesite (MgCO 3) and …

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