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Keeping Up with Demand: Copper Tailing Reprocessing

Several methods are appropriate for reprocessing mine tailings and recovering copper. These methods have been extensively explored in recent research. …

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Enhanced recovery of low-grade copper ore and

Bao et al. [11] explored the process flow for reprocessing iron tailings and determined the adoption of a process flow of "copper-zinc mixed flotation - regrinding - copper-zinc separation - zinc flotation - iron magnetic separation - reverse flotation of iron concentrate" to recover Cu, Zn, Fe, and associated precious metals from iron tailings ...

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How to generate value from tailings with reprocessing to be …

In gold, copper sulfide and iron ore tailings, the potential of extracting minerals is an opportunity. Reprocessing tailings to collect the valuable minerals can …

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Reprocessing historic tailings – three Chilean case studies

economical potential for the reprocessing of several metals, such as copper, molybdenum, silver, iron, cobalt, zinc and lead. In this work, three industrial case studies of Chilean historic tailings are discussed. The first case corresponds to the reprocessing of secondary copper from an abandoned tailings dam. The second

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Mining copper tailings could answer supply …

Jetti has developed a catalyst that can liberate copper from low-grade chalcopyrite ores, known to have copper grades of well below 1%. The process works by disrupting the sulphur metal bond of ...

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Toward sustainable reprocessing and valorization of sulfidic copper …

This study conducts a process-based life cycle assessment (LCA) study to investigate multiple reprocessing pathways of copper tailings to co-produce secondary metals and building materials.

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Toward sustainable reprocessing and valorization of sulfidic copper …

Sulfidic copper tailings in the EU were selected as a case study. We perform prospective life cycle assessments of future reprocessing scenarios by considering emerging resource recovery technologies, market supply & demand forecasts, and energy system changes. ... The environmental performance of reprocessing of …

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Copper tailings reprocessing

years. Total copper production from 1900 until the end of 2020 was about 740 million tons [5, 6]. In a situation in which global copper de-mand is growing and copper prices are steadily increasing, reprocessing copper tailings is be-coming an increasingly logical decision [7, 8, 9]. In most of the copper tailings deposited in the

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Toward sustainable reprocessing and valorization of sulfidic copper …

Sulfidic copper tailings in the EU were selected as a case study. We perform prospective life cycle assessments of future reprocessing scenarios by considering emerging resource recovery technologies, market supply & demand …

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Historical assessment of metal recovery potential from …

The purpose of this work is performing such assessments for old porphyry copper tailings from Chile in a reprocessing scenario by flotation, only based on specially developed theoretical concepts and available historical operation data as an economically efficient first step of a reprocessing or even remediation initiative. 2. Assessment …

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How to reshape the future of tailings?

In gold, copper sulfide and iron ore tailings, there's potential to extract further minerals and mining companies are now figuring out ways to bring out valuable minerals and metals from tailings. ... A standard method of reprocessing involves dragging tailings from an existing dam back to the concentrator and using selected …

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Old copper flotation tailings waste reprocessing

The beneficiation plant at this particular mine in Mexico produces a copper concentrate, however their flotation circuit only recovers around 75% of the gold; the rest is lost in the tailings [14 ...

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Recovery of cobalt and copper through reprocessing of tailings …

The present research aims at recovering copper and cobalt through reprocessing of tailings from flotation of oxidised ores of copper and cobalt achieved at the Kambove Concentrator (DRC). It focuses on the determination of the reagents' dosage that enables obtaining the highest recovery of copper (44.80%) and cobalt (88.30%) …

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Toward sustainable reprocessing and valorization of …

large-scale impacts of copper tailings reprocessing in the EU. System-wide environmental analyses are performed to simulate the environmental im-plications of recycling/reprocessing sulfidic copper tailings. The zero-burden assumption is applied, i.e., the environmental burdens of copper tailings generation are excluded (Ekvall et …

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Copper tailings reprocessing

At today's copper prices and processing technologies, reprocessing old copper tailings is generally economically viable and cheaper than recovering copper …

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Past, Present, and Future of Copper Mine Tailings …

Some copper mining companies are starting to recover copper by reprocessing tailings and are evaluating the reprocessing of other metals that currently may not have an economic value but may be attractive resources in the future [11,20]. Therefore, considering recent studies on old tailings storage facilities, it is possible to …

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Evaluation of the possibility of copper recovery from tailings …

The present research aims at recovering copper by reprocessing of tailings at China Molybdenum Co. Ltd. (CMOC) from bench-scale to industrial tests. It focuses on the determination of the reagents' dosage and pulp concentration that enables to obtain the highest recovery of copper by flotation of the studied tailings. Based on …

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Take two: why mine tailings are worth another look

Codelco and Sibanye Stillwater are also reprocessing their tailings with high commodity grades to extract residual metals, including copper and platinum. And, in May 2023, Sibanye acquired New Century Resources whose innovative tailings recovery-based business model I covered in this Intelligent Miner article .

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Toward sustainable reprocessing and valorization of sulfidic …

Copper tailings reprocessing can mitigate GHG emissions and toxicity impacts in 2050. Tailings reprocessing can supply up to 2 % of future European copper demand. Tradeoffs exist between climate change and ecotoxicity impacts for different …

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Regionalized Life Cycle Inventories of Global Sulfidic Copper Tailings

Worldwide, an issue of copper production is the generation of mine waste with varying characteristics. This waste can pollute natural environments, and in particular, the heavy metal emissions of the tailings may pose long-term consequences. Currently, life cycle assessments of mine tailings are hampered by both limited data availability in the …

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Processing Tests, Adjusted Cost Models and the …

Standard cost models with capex and opex for flotation, leaching, and magnetic separation were adopted to the needs of tailings reprocessing. A copper tailing (around 2 M t) that also contains magnetite was chosen …

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From Tailings to Treasure? Miners Make Money Reprocessing Tailings

Miners Make Money Reprocessing Tailings. ... Resources is investigating the technical viability of extracting an estimated million ounces of gold and 60,000 tons of copper left in the tailings at the old Mt. Morgan Mine site in central Queensland. Numerous other tailings projects are underway in Australia.

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How to generate value from tailings with reprocessing to …

In gold, copper sulfide and iron ore tailings, the potential of extracting minerals is an opportunity. Reprocessing tailings to collect the valuable minerals can be a cost-effective approach ...

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(PDF) Prospective environmental assessment of reprocessing …

This study conducts a process-based life cycle assessment (LCA) study to investigate multiple reprocessing pathways of copper tailings to co-produce secondary …

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Feasibility of re-processing mine tailings to obtain critical …

The methodology presented in this study was validated using copper tailings of northern Chile as a case study. The geochemical content of tailings may vary from one geographical area to another depending on the type of mineral deposits. ... Tailings reprocessing from Cabeço do Pião dam in Central Portugal: a kinetic …

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(PDF) Environmental Perspectives on Emerging Resource

This study conducts a process-based life cycle assessment (LCA) study to investigate multiple reprocessing pathways of copper tailings to co-produce secondary metals and building materials. Four ...

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Preface to the Thematic Section: Mine Tailings: Problem or

To be able to corroborate the environmental and economic benefits of future tailings-reprocessing flow sheets based on the know-how developed in WP1–3, WP4 develops a novel environmental assessment methodology that is custom designed for tailings. ... As these tailings contain considerable amounts of copper and zinc, …

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Geochemistry of a copper mine tailings deposit in Repparfjorden

This study investigates copper ore tailings deposited in Repparfjorden, Norway in the 1970's. Bathymetric show that the tailings deposit still occurs as a series of cone-shapes and has retained its original shape for four decades. Analytical data of 51 chemical elements show that some of the tailings are spreading, affecting fjord surface ...

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(PDF) Recovery of Sulfur, Copper, and Gold by Reprocessing …

Recovery of Sulfur, Copper, and Gold by Reprocessing Old Flotation Tailings at Bor, Serbia. January 2024; Aspects in Mining & Mineral Science 12(2):1366 ... Serbia has copper deposits which have ...

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(PDF) Recovery of cobalt and copper through reprocessing of tailings

The study focused on determining the dosage of chemicals needed to float the examined tailings and recover the maximum amounts of Cu (44.80%) and Co (88.30%).

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[PDF] Prospective Environmental Assessment of Reprocessing …

This study conducts a process-based life cycle assessment (LCA) study to investigate multiple reprocessing pathways of copper tailings to co-produce secondary metals and building materials. Four design options representing different value-recovery routes are constructed to assess the environmental burdens of reprocessing chains …

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(PDF) Investigation of flotation parameters for copper recovery …

This study is focused on the froth flotation reprocessing of a copper mineral from flotation tailings. The effects of flotation parameters including pulp density, collector dosage, frother dosage ...

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(PDF) Prospective environmental assessment of reprocessing …

Cu in tailings vs. ratio of reprocessing to metal-only credits (route B without valorization). MDP, human toxicity, and freshwater ecotoxicity are hardly visible due to low values below 5%.

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Kazakhstan, which, through reprocessing and SX-EW, has produced more than 100,000 t of copper cathode since operations began in April 2012. The list goes on. Removing the ant heaps "Reprocessing is one strategy, if it's worthwhile. from an economic standpoint," Theo Gerritsen, Stantec's Global Tailings Practice Lead, said in

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The Use of Acid Leaching to Recover Metals from Tailings: A …

For copper, the top extractions (48–61%) occurred with tailings-1 M H 2 SO 4-AC, tailings-1 M H 2 SO 4-VC, and tailings-0.5 M H 2 SO 4-AC combinations. In 2021, Tao [ 43 ] processed tailings from Yunnan Tin Group (Holding) Company Limited, China, utilizing acid leaching to extract iron.

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Regionalized Life Cycle Inventories of Global …

This research combines state-of-the-art environmental and mineral processing frameworks, indicating highly variable impacts caused by sulfidic copper tailings deposited worldwide.

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