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Oil Sands

the oil sands mining process, with the long term objectives of ... For instance, Canada's Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) – an alliance of oil sands producers formed to improve environmental performance in the oil sands – is ... water allocation in 2012, the oil sands industry accounts for only 8 percent.

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Oil Sands | CAPP

The oil sands are a significant part of Canada's oil production. In 2023, about 58% of all production was from the oil sands. ... In oil sands mining operations, the by-product of the extraction process used to separate oil from sand and clay is called "tailings". Tailings are composed of a mixture of water, sand, clay, and residual bitumen.

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Review of Water Use at Canada's Oil Sands Points Toward

This article, written by Editorial Manager Adam Wilson, contains highlights of paper SPE 156676, "Water Use in Canada's Oil-Sands Industry: The Facts," by Stuart Lunn, Imperial Oil Resources, prepared for the 2012 SPE/APPEA International Conference on Health, Safety, and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, Perth ...

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Forward Regulatory Plan 2021 to 2023, Environment and

Oil Sands Mining Effluent Regulations Enabling Act. Fisheries Act. Description. The proposed regulations would set national baseline effluent quality standards and environmental effect monitoring provisions for all oil sands mines. The proposed regulations would apply to the oil sands mining sector, which currently includes 8 …

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(PDF) Seeking indigenous consensus on the impacts of oil sands

Whereas Alberta's Oil Sands Monitoring Program (OSMP) has produced over 500 technical reports and peer-reviewed journal articles on the bio-physical impacts of oil sands (OSMP, 2019), there is a shortage of credible studies that assess and monitor the impacts of oil sands development on Indigenous communities (Joly and Westman, 2017: v).

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Oil Sands | The Canadian Encyclopedia

Economic Growth. Alberta's first commercial oil sands operation started in 1967. The exploration of oil sands significantly increased Canada's total oil reserves from approximately five billion barrels to an estimated 173 billion, meaning Canada has the third largest oil reserve in the world, with 97 per cent of the oil in the form of oil sands. The …

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Full article: Canada's oil sands in a carbon-constrained world

Pipeline capacity constraints for routes out of Alberta have defined the oil sands debates in Canada for much of the last decade, with the Northern Gateway, …

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Canada's Tar Sands: Destruction So Vast and …

An oil sands mine in Alberta, Canada adjacent to boreal forest outside of Fort McMurray. ... While regulators' official estimate of the current liability for Alberta's mining industry is $27 ...

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Canada's oil sands: why some of the world's dirtiest fuel is …

Oil sands production is rising again even without KXL, as other pipeline routes are expanded to provide export capacity. One of them, the federally owned Trans …

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Canada's oil sands industry is taking a big hit

Investors and oil majors flee. Given the high cost, outsized environmental impacts, and financial headwinds, many investors and corporate partners are leaving the industry behind.According to the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis, 57 major financial institutions have pledged to stop funding or insuring oil sands ventures. …

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The Challenges and Potential of Canada's Oil Sands

Once considered too expensive and damaging to the land, exploitation of Canada's oil sands is now a venture worth billions. The country has proven oil reserves of more than 170 billion barrels ...

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Full article: Canada's oil sands in a carbon-constrained world

Oil sands greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) have risen with production, as shown in Figure 2, although with declining emissions-intensity over time.In 2020, the most recent inventory data available, GHGs from the oil sands accounted for 81 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions (Mt CO 2 e) of the 672 Mt CO 2 e national total. Oil …

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Oil Sands Definition

Oil Sands: Sand and rock material which contains crude bitumen (a heavy, viscous form of crude oil). Oil sands are found primarily in the Athabasca region of northern Alberta, Canada, and in areas ...

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Annual Report 2021

A year in review of MAC activities and achievements. ... Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives In Canada's Mining Industry; Environment; Oil Sands Treated Mine Water Release; ... COVID-19 has impacted all industries to some degree, and Canada's mining sector was not immune to its effects, but the past two years have highlighted the …

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Oil sands mining effluent

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is exploring options to manage the accumulation of oil sands process-affected water in existing tailings ponds located in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region (AOSR). Background. Oil sands deposits consist of bitumen bound tightly with sand. Where these deposits exist close to the surface, oil sands …

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Oil Sands Magazine

A comprehensive guide to Alberta's oil sands with a view to global markets. ... MINING THE OIL SANDS. From the mining pit to tailings reclamation, learn more about the six operating mines in the oil sands. ... CANADA. ENERGY STATISTICS. U.S.A. ENERGY STATISTICS. WORLD. Intro. What's New. News & Blog. Newsletter. Videos. Data …

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Greenwashing, net-zero, and the oil sands in Canada: The …

The Oil Sands Community Alliance, a regional trade group formed through the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) in 2013, became part of the Pathways coalition in 2022. The technology and development organization known as Canada's Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) was formed in 2012 and brought …

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Oil Sands Mining | Alberta Energy Regulator

Total Water Use. In 2022, almost 1043 million cubic metres (m 3) of water was used to produce nearly 657 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) from oil sands mining. The 2022 production volume exceeded 2021 (646 million BOE) and 2020 (604 million BOE).

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Oil Sands Extraction in Alberta, Canada: a Review of Impacts …

We review literature about Canada's oil sands, pertaining to Indigenous Peoples. We draw on a range of recent published and unpublished sources. We find that …

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Oil Sands Extraction in Alberta, Canada: a Review of …

We review literature about Canada's oil sands, pertaining to Indigenous Peoples. We draw on a range of recent published and unpublished sources. We find that social science research on oil sands extraction has been inadequate, even as the region has ... the industry that has left the most impacted individuals and communities feeling ...

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Mining the Oil Sands: A tour of Alberta's nine …

For a more in-depth look at Alberta's oil sands mines and their bitumen production plants, check out our latest course MINING THE OIL SANDS. BUCKET-WHEEL EXCAVATORS (COURTESY SUNCOR …

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Oil Sands' CO2 Emissions Could be Higher Than Thought

Scientists from the University of Alberta found that 10 operational oil sands mining projects would destroy enough peatlands to release 11.4 million to 47.3 million metric tons of stored carbon ...

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Oil sands mining and reclamation cause massive loss of …

We quantified the wholesale transformation of the boreal landscape by open-pit oil sands mining in Alberta, Canada to evaluate its effect on carbon storage and …

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Canada oil sands air pollution 20-64 times worse than industry …

Previous studies, for example, have found that greenhouse gas emissions from oil sands surface mining operations were 64% higher than industry-reported figures; that the oil sands are one of the ...

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Seeking indigenous consensus on the impacts of oil sands development …

In the Athabasca oil sands region, deposits are located close to the surface (<75 m. underground) and are extracted through open-pit mining. In this case, oil sands are mined and then trucked to processing areas where the oil sands are crushed, diluted with hot water, and pumped to an extraction plant.

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Innovation rush in the oil sands

D ozens of emerging technologies for almost every facet of oil sands production could be paving the way for solutions to the most significant environmental and operational challenges faced today. In fact, according to a study by the Canadian Energy Research Institute (CERI), these emerging technologies are establishing a foundation …

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How it all began — A brief history of the Canadian oil sands

The story of Canada's oil sands begins a very long time ago — 170 million years, to be more exact, when Western Canada was believed to have been mostly under water. Oil Sands Magazine ... That was it for oil sands mining, at least for another 20 years. ... The industry produced a record 3.3 million barrels of bitumen in 2021, evenly …

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Syncrude Athabasca Oil Sands Mine, Alberta

Private equity deals in mining in Canada remained flat in Q1 2024; Q1 2024 update: M&A activity in mining in Singapore; Barrick reports 146% surge in Q1 earnings, forms Jamaica JV; Companies. ... The development of the oil sands industry in northern Alberta has inevitably had a major impact on the natural environment, which consists mainly of ...

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The Oil Sands Explained … in 10 minutes | Oil Sands Magazine

Alberta's oil sands are the world's third largest oil reserves, and a huge part of Canada's economy. But how much do you know about the oil sands?

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Oil Sands Magazine

Browse our database of Canadian and international energy statistics. Learn how supply/demand fundamentals and marketing challenges impact oil prices and …

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Mining the Oil Sands: A tour of Alberta's nine mining pits

This post is part of a six-part series on the oil sands mining process. For a more in-depth look at Alberta's oil sands mines and their bitumen production plants, check out our latest course MINING THE OIL SANDS . ... The technology later become standard practice in the industry. North Mine has a bitumen production capacity of 180,000 …

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What are oil sands? | HowStuffWorks

­Canada is trying to deal with the environmental ramifications of rendering oil sands by requiring oil companies to refill old pit mines …

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Oil sands monitoring: scientific papers and presentations

Scientific papers and presentations evaluating and interpreting monitoring measurements in the oil sand region. Environment and Climate Change Canada's accessible publications and presentations are listed below. See a complete list of publications and presentations for the program. (2020) Disclaimer ...

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Simulation-Based Integration of Thermal Drying of Fluid Fine …

In 2022, Canada's oil sands surface mining produced 1618 thousand barrels of oil per day (data from CAPP and AER); thus, the 2sDTC process could save 324 thousand barrels of freshwater daily without additional energy use or CO 2 emissions, …

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Canada's oil sands: why some of the world's dirtiest fuel is …

Apple's top finance executive to step down at the end of 2024; Macron hits back at claims Telegram chief's arrest is political ; 23andMe hasn't cracked code on life as a viable public company

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