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Michigan Copper

Copper. Champion Mine, Champion Mine, Adams Township, Houghton County, Michigan, USA

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Timeline of Michigan Copper Mining Prehistory to 1850

The town of Clifton and Cliff Mine in Keweenaw County in the late 1800s. Keweenaw NHP Archives, Jack Foster Collection. 1845. The Cliff Mine near Eagle River opens. It is the first large-scale, profitable mine on the Keweenaw Peninsula. Before it closes in 1870, Cliff Mine rewards its investors with $2,519,000.

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A Historical Guide to Copper Harbor, Michigan

Michigan's northernmost town of Copper Harbor is a beautiful destination that is well-known for its outdoor recreation, small town charm, and incredible views of Lake Superior. ... Fort Wilkins Historic State Park includes 12 of the original buildings from the time the fort was established in 1844. ... This mining company also owned the Cliff ...

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FOURTH THURSDAY IN HISTORY: Revealing the Cliff Mine

The Cliff mine began in 1845. The first Keweenaw mine to pay its investors a dividend, the Cliff operated successfully until 1869, when production dropped for the first time. Different mining companies continued to work the lode on and off until 1931; the shafts were finally capped in the 1960s.

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Flashback Friday: Cliff Mine | Michigan Tech Archives Blog

Photograph by J. T. Reeder (Michigan Tech Archives, MS042-057-999-W699) Flashback Friday to a view of the stamp heads at Cliff Mine in Keweenaw County, 1926. Owned and operated by the Pittsburgh & Boston Mining Company, the Cliff Mine was established in 1845 and quickly became the first profitable copper mine in the region.

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Explore Upper Peninsula Mines and Mine Museums | Michigan

Full tours start with the buildings above ground, including the No. 2 shaft hoist house, home of the world's largest steam-powered hoist. The mechanism used to raise workers and ore out of the mine's nearly 2-mile-long No. 2 shaft. After visitors tour the surface buildings, they ride a cogwheel tram down the steep, wooded hillside.

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Cliff Mine & Clifton The Ghost Town

The old Cliff Mine site is located just south of Phoenix, off US-41 on the Cliff Drive. The Cliff Mine was 1,080 feet deep and produced 825 tons of copper in 1875. The town …

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Cliff Shaft Mine Head Frame, Ishpeming, Marquette County, MI

(1968) Cliff Shaft Mine Head Frame, Ishpeming, Marquette County, MI. Michigan Marquette County Ishpeming, 1968. Michigan Marquette County Ishpeming, 1968. Documentation Compiled After.

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SUDBURY, ON, Oct. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ - Today Vale Canada Limited officially opened the initial phase of its CDN$945 million Copper Cliff Complex South Mine Project in Sudbury, Canada. "This ...

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In 1843, the first commercial copper mine, the Cliff Mine, opened on the Keweenaw Peninsula, and by the 1860s, Michigan was the largest producer of copper in the United States. ... Copper mining in Michigan continued to expand through the late 1800s and early 1900s, with new mines opening and old ones being reworked. The peak of copper …

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Cliff Copper Mine Near Eagle River, Michigan | The Diggings™

The Cliff Copper Mine, located near Eagle River, Michigan, holds significant geological and historical importance as it is situated within the renowned Keweenaw Copper Mining …

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Copper Mining In Michigan | The Diggings™

Copper Mining In Michigan Overview 1.85K Total Mines; Table 38 Total Mines; Browse 1,853 mining USGS records in michigan. Most records highlight mining opportunities and activity in Baraga, Branch, and Gogebic. Quick Facts. 1,853 records of mining in michigan. 818 producers. 37 plants.

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Timeline of Michigan Copper Mining Prehistory to 1850

Timeline of Michigan Copper Mining Prehistory to 1850. Colton's 1872 Lake Superior Map. 7,000 years ago. The earliest known metalworking in North America begins when …

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The Michigan Copper Mining Co. holdings consisted of 4,870 acres of mineral land, 1,466 acres of timber land and a 150 acre mill site. ... Michigan, between the rich Cliff mine to the northeast, and the copper mines of Portage Lake to the southwest. Hulbert formed the Calumet Company in 1865, with Boston investors. The company spun off the ...

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Michigan Copper

The isolation, black flies and long winters made living in this part of Michigan difficult, and early mines struggled to make money. One exception was the …

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Vale marks official opening of the Copper Cliff …

Phase 1 is expected to nearly double ore production at Copper Cliff Mine, adding roughly 10,000 tonnes per year of contained nickel and 13,000 tonnes per year of copper. "Vale is investing $945 …

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Timeline of Michigan Copper Mining Prehistory to 1850

The earliest known metalworking in North America begins when Indigenous Peoples start mining copper on the Keweenaw Peninsula. They dug shallow mines …

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Mining History Links: Michigan

mining history,mine shafts,Copper Country,Keweenaw,Michigan Mining School,College of Mines,Copper Range,Iron Range,Houghton, Michigan Tech,Upper Peninsula,iron ore ...

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Cliff Silver Mine Near Eagle River, Michigan | The Diggings™

Copper mining deposit report for "Deposit #Usgs10170511" (#USGS10170511) in Keweenaw County, Michigan. ... North America. The United States. Michigan. Keweenaw. Deposit #USGS10170511; Cliff Silver Mine Eagle River, Michigan. 47.3739°N 88.3142°W Overview Copper ; Location 1 Aliquots; Owners 1 Records;

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Copper Harbor Michigan: 15 Unforgettable Things to Do …

Copper Harbor, Michigan is a stunning coastal village located in the Keweenaw Peninsula of the Upper Peninsula. With its breathtaking scenery, abundant outdoor activities, and rich history, Copper Harbor is the perfect place to visit for a relaxing getaway or an adventurous vacation. This guide covers the best things to do in Copper …

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Building New Lives, Maintaining Old Identities: Irish

Irish Associations in Michigan's Copper Country, 1860-1900 ... served Clifton, the community for the Cliff Mine, opened 1846, a few weathered stones remain, identifying miners from Irish mining districts who died while ... Building New Lives, Maintaining Old Identities: Irish Associations in Michigan's Copper Country, 1860–1900 ...

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The Cliff Mine and Ghost Town Ruins in the Upper …

Deep in the forests in the center of the Keweenaw Penisula is the stone ruins of a once prosperous mine and town that supported it. The Cliff Mine is the first successful mine in the Michigan Copper District and …

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Historic Locations – Copper Harbor

The Delaware Mine is an authentic mine that operated from 1847 until 1887, during the country's first major mining boom. The mine was supported by a group of investors, including Horace Greeley. Although …

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Gold Prospecting in Michigan: 7 Best Locations

Check out the best beaches for rockhounding on Michigan Lake in the article below: Guide: Best Rock Hunting Beaches on Lake Michigan. Adventure Mine(Old) The Adventure Mine. Don't get any …

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The Cliff mine, located at the base of an impressive basalt cliff southwest of Eagle River, Michigan, is one of Michigan's earliest copper mines and the first to turn a profit. The economic success of the Cliff mine drove the spread of copper mining in Upper Michigan as a whole. Fine specimens of copper,

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For some in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, a ghost …

KEWEENAW PENINSULA – The view from Tom Chobanian's house is a thick wall of trees. It wasn't always, though. "There used to be nothing but whorehouses here," said the wiry 29-year-old ...

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Copper Cliff, Greater Sudbury

active northern headframe of the Copper Cliff Mine (CCN), Copper Cliff smelter complex (SM), Superstack (SS) and Clarabelle mill (CM). ... The imposing red brick building and chimney of the decommissioned iron ore recovery plant rise above ... Road 55 with Fielding Road. Greater Sudbury ores are largely composed of . iron and sulphur. Iron was ...

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Timeline of Michigan Copper Mining 1851 to 1900

Drill holes are filled with black powder and exploded to clear waste rock away from the copper masses. The Washington Monument in Washington D.C. receives a memorial stone from the state of Michigan composed of 2,180 pounds of native copper and silver. The copper for the stone comes from Cliff Mine.

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Mine Towns: Buildings for Workers in Michigan's Copper …

The historic industrial landscape of Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula has been studied extensively (Gohman, 2013; Hoagland, 2010; Lankton, 2010;Martin, 1999;Scarlett, 2014) and much of it is the ...

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6 Amazing Michigan Ghost Towns – Remnants of the Iron & Copper Mines

The town was established in 1845 following the discovery of copper and the subsequent opening of the Cliff copper mine by the Pittsburgh and Boston Mining company. The mining brought in hundreds of miners and established a prosperous town with several churches, an independent brewery (Clifton Bottling Works), several …

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North Cliff Copper Mine Near Eagle River, Michigan | The …

The North Cliff Copper Mine is located near Eagle River, Michigan and has a significant historical significance as it is part of the renowned Keweenaw Copper Mining District. …

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Centennial #6 Mine; Cliff Mine

The earliest of Michigan's mechanized copper mines was the Cliff Mine, which got underway in a serious way in August 1845 when a vein on the greenstone cliff was …

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Cliff Mine

The Cliff Mine is the first successful mine in the Michigan Copper District and dates from 1845. It remained highly successful, the largest copper mine in the US for more than a decade. Ruins of the early mining operations, …

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Mining History: Mine Shafts of Michigan

Hubbell, MI Copper Smelter Hubbell, Mi Underground in Keweenaw Copper Mine : Baltic Shaft #2 1897 Baltic, MI Minesota #3 Shaft Rockland, MI: Quincy Mine, Hancock, MI : Quincy Mine 1897 Shaft #7 Hancock, MI: Wolverine Mine Shaft 1890s Kearsarge, MI: Tamarack #2 Shaft, 1890s Calumet, MI: Square set timbers C&H Mine MSM 1897

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Cliffs Shaft Mine Museum – Ishpeming, Michigan

Discover Cliffs Shaft Mine Museum in Ishpeming, Michigan: Egyptian Revival obelisks still rise over the old mine shafts.

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Photo Gallery: Cliff Mine, Phoenix, Keweenaw Co., Michigan, …

Cliff Mine, Phoenix, Keweenaw Co., Michigan, USA Dimensions: 11.3 cm x 7.5 cm x 2.3 cm 11.3 x 7.5 x 2.3 cm. A superb, old-time, cabinet copper specimen from the famous Cliff Mine. This is from the well-known copper suite of Michigan collector Bob Nowakiowski, to me in exchange.

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